'Orphaned at an early age, and abandoned by her siblings, Maggie MacDonald faces poverty, drudgery and brutality. She escapes to discover the only way open to her is to find work as a servant girl. At first glimpse of her employer’s mansion she makes a promise to own a similar house, one day. Her dream causes money to be an obsessive motivation. Courage and determination enable the beautiful, dark-haired, Maggie to use her talents to their best advantage. A calico purse full of pennies, which she carries around her waist, is her talisman and a constant reminder that money is power. Several men exert their strong influence on Maggie’s life; and children, friends and vicious enemies change her fortunes many times. Several tragedies, and pursuit of wealth, happiness and love, take her from her birthplace ‘in the North East of England, to London in the twenties, the Home Counties during WWII, and finally to Australia in the late forties. Conflicts, tragedy, romance, closely following the history of the Century, insofar as it affects Maggie and those who travel life’s path with her.' (Publisher's blurb)