Helen Macallan Helen Macallan i(A85676 works by)
Gender: Female
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1 The Crime Boom Helen Macallan , Jane Goodall , 2004 single work criticism
— Appears in: Heat , no. 8 (New Series) 2004; (p. 167-177)
1 y separately published work icon The Pommy Town Years : Memories of Mayfield and Other Tales of the Twenties William R. Claridge , Helen Macallan (editor), Newcastle : University of Newcastle Press , 2000 9030314 2000 single work autobiography

'The author, born in 1909 and an iron-worker by trade, experienced three separate and successive worlds in the first three decades of his life. Industrial Bristol as the urban space of his early life, the transitory, moving world of the SS Demosthenes bound from Southampton to Australia. and a new life for the family as a Bristol boy amongst Bristol boys, and finally his adolescent and young adult life in Mayfield, Newcastle, Australia, and in particular "Pommy Town". This very special book provides a steady series of clear historical images of places in Newcastle that have now disappeared, and a look at the social life of a closely-knit working class community.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Communism on the Air Helen Macallan , John Potts , Broadway : New South Wales Institute of Technology , 1982 9030276 1982 single work criticism