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Photo courtesy UQP.
Fiona Doyle Fiona Doyle i(A84657 works by) (birth name: Maryann Fiona George) (a.k.a. Fiona George)
Also writes as: Oochunyung ; Fiona Wirrer-George Oochunyung
Born: Established: 1969 Thursday Island, Torres Strait Islands, Queensland, ;
Gender: Female
Heritage: Aboriginal ; Aboriginal Wik
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1 y separately published work icon Ebony : Strong Heart Fiona Wirrer-George Oochunyung , Mulgrave : John Garratt Publishing , 2014 14935125 2014 single work novella young adult

'Fingers are often pointed at Ebony. Sometimes the people behind the fingers say things too. They say mean things, things she doesn't always understand, things about who she is and what she is. Maybe she doesn't always 'understand', but she knows what they mean. How come they get to say these things? How come they have the power to point fingers?

'And there's trouble in her family, things are falling apart; and there's always a new school and a new crowd of kids to deal with. How will she hold it all together? Ebony is stronger than she thinks, and has a Destiny to lean on too.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 4 y separately published work icon Double Native Fiona Wirrer-George Oochunyung , St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 2012 Z1849273 2012 single work autobiography

'A moving memoir about living across two cultures. Growing up "on country" on the west coast of Queensland's Cape York Peninsula in the 1970s and '80s, Fiona Wirrer-George Oochunyung had an idyllic traditional life.

At the age of 16, she decided to pursue her dream of performing and moved to Sydney to attend the NAISDA Dance College. There she studied with the legendary Page brothers before they founded Bangarra Dance Theatre and met her future husband and father of her three daughters.

But the missing piece of her life was her father. As a young woman, she finds her father and carves out a fragile relationship with him. This inspires her to better understand her Austrian ancestry and how it meshes with her Indigenous identity.

Fiona Wirrer-George Oochunyung is the model of a modern woman: mother and professional; performer and creator; teacher and student, urban dweller and remote community inhabitant. As such she shares the joys and challenges that come with growing up in a divided community and carving out a career as a solo parent.

Double Native is a powerful and candid memoir that offers a rare insight into the burgeoning years of the contemporary Indigenous dance movement and what it means to straddle two cultures.' Source: (Sighted 16/03/2012).

1 2 y separately published work icon Jindah Murray Wind Dancer Fiona Wirrer-George Oochunyung , Mosman Melbourne : Laguna Bay Publishing Oxford University Press , 2011 Z1794310 2011 single work children's fiction children's

"Jindah Murray knew and knew and knew she wanted to dance like the wind." (Cover blurb)

1 Whispers of This Wik Woman Fiona Doyle , 2007 single work drama 'This is a true story of a proud woman's life in remote Western Cape York. Fiona brings to life her love and influences her granny shared with her as a child through to adulthood. This story begins in a time when culture and tradition, along with the clothes on your back, was enough to survive. A story of determination and loyalty to the teachings of her people and Country.' Source: (Sighted 30/10/07).
1 4 y separately published work icon On Country : The Stories of Nyrlotte Fiona Doyle , St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 2006 Z1265746 2006 single work children's fiction children's On Country: The Stories of Nyrlotte is a beautiful collection of childhood memories brimming with adventure, family relationships and customs set on Cape York. The story revolves around Nyrlotte, a mischievous and enquiring young, Alngith girl who lives with her extended family on Wik country. Nyrlotte's generous and wise granny helps keep her safe from danger, while teaching the inquisitive Nyrlotte about her culture and traditions. Nyrlotte's journey is one of discovery, a little naughtiness and a lot of love from Granny and Daddy Old Man. (UQP blurb)
1 y separately published work icon Girl in the Wind Oochunyung , Ronald George Edwards (illustrator), Kuranda : Rams Skull Press , 2006 14099984 2006 single work picture book children's Indigenous story
1 5 y separately published work icon Whispers of This Wik Woman Fiona Doyle , St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 2004 Z1148019 2004 single work life story

'This absorbing and personal account of Wik activist Jean George Awumpun offers a rare understanding of Aboriginal identity and traditional land. To illustrate her proud Alngith Wikwaya beginnings, Awumpun's early history is told through family member and Alngith descendant Fiona Doyle. This ancestral history combines with the story of Awumpun's struggle in the Wik native title claims, which advanced the earlier Mabo Decision onto mainland Australia.

Using photographs, traditionally inspired art and language terms, Fiona Doyle invites us into the heart of Cape York's Wikwaya country.' Source: Publisher's blurb

1 A Bastard's Tale Fiona Doyle , 2003 single work drama 'This one-woman show is about Fiona's life, her kinship lineage and her struggles to come to terms with them. It also showcases her strong traditional movement and storytelling abilities in a contemporary format. The play, written, devised and performed by Fiona Doyle is a portrayal of issues and circumstances experienced by the character, Ngilla, as a result of her bi-racial heritage. It presents snippets and images of indigenous life in the Western Cape Region of Australia through dialogue and photo images.' Source: (Sighted 14/06/2007)
1 y separately published work icon Looking for Yams (Iyee Cheeig) Oochunyung , Ronald George Edwards (illustrator), Kuranda : Rams Skull Press , 2000 Z1148059 2000 single work picture book Indigenous story

By Oochuyung, a Wik girl, with illustrations by Ron Edwards. Her second book (after Sand Beach Girl) tells a simple childhood story with supernatural overtones

1 y separately published work icon Sand Beach Girl : A Story from a Remote Aboriginal Community Oochunyung , Ronald George Edwards (illustrator), Kuranda : Rams Skull Press , 1997 Z1148068 1997 single work picture book Indigenous story

'A children's story based on her childhood experiences in the Napranum area of Cape York.' (Publication summary)

1 Untitled i "I would love my people to realise that it cannot be", Fiona Doyle , 1988 single work poetry
— Appears in: After 200 Years : Photographic Essays of Aboriginal and Islander Australia Today 1988; (p. 267)