Dell Yearling (International) assertion Dell Yearling i(A83759 works by) (Organisation) assertion (a.k.a. Yearling)
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2 3 y separately published work icon Lenny's Book of Everything Karen Foxlee , Sydney : Allen and Unwin , 2018 14228021 2018 single work children's fiction children's

'“I knew my brother. I knew when he talked too much about Timothy his imaginary pet eagle. He was scared. 'Whatever you do,' I said to Davey on the walk to school, 'Do not tell people about your eagle. Do not tell Miss Schweitzer about your eagle.' He looked crestfallen. His shoulders slumped. He looked to make sure Timothy hadn't fallen off.”

'Lenny, small and sharp, has a younger brother Davey who won't stop growing—and at seven is as tall as a man. Raised by their single mother, who works two jobs and is made almost entirely out of worries, they have food and a roof over their heads, but not much else. The bright spot every week is the arrival of the latest issue of Burrell's Build-It-at-Home Encyclopedia. Through the encyclopedia, Lenny and Davey experience the wonders of the world—beetles, birds, quasars, quartz—and dream about a life of freedom and adventure, visiting places like Saskatchewan and Yellowknife, and the gleaming lakes of the Northwest Territories. But as her brother's health deteriorates, Lenny comes to accept the inevitable truth; Davey will never make it to Great Bear Lake. An outstanding novel about heartbreak and healing by an award-winning author.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

6 1 y separately published work icon The Tournament at Gorlan John Flanagan , North Sydney : Random House Australia , 2015 8764182 2015 single work novel young adult fantasy

'Before they became the most famous Ranger in the land and the hard-working Ranger Commandant, Halt and Crowley were young friends determined to change the world.

'The scheming Baron Morgarath is drawing other power-hungry knights and barons to his banner. King Oswald is wasting away and, if gossip can be believed, Prince Duncan is causing havoc in the north.

'Halt and Crowley set out to find the prince, uncover the truth, and re-form the weakened Ranger Corps. Once-loyal Rangers are scattered across the country, and it will take determination, skill, and leadership if they're to come together as one. Can the Rangers regain the trust of the Kingdom, or will the cunning Morgarath outwit them at every turn?' (Publication summary)

3 8 y separately published work icon Ophelia and the Marvellous Boy Karen Foxlee , New York (City) : Knopf , 2014 6977501 2014 single work children's fiction children's fable

'A luminous retelling of the Snow Queen, this is the story of unlikely heroine Ophelia Jane Worthington-Whittard who doesn't believe in anything that can't be proven by science. She and her sister Alice are still grieving for their dead mother when their father takes a job in a strange museum in a city where it always snows. On her very first day in the museum Ophelia discovers a boy locked away in a long forgotten room. He is a prisoner of Her Majesty the Snow Queen. And he has been waiting for Ophelia's help.

'As Ophelia embarks on an incredible journey to rescue the boy everything that she believes will be tested. Along the way she learns more and more about the boy's own remarkable journey to reach her and save the world.

'A story within a story, this a modern day fairytale about the power of friendship, courage and love, and never ever giving up.' (Publisher's blurb)

1 1 y separately published work icon The Mourning Emporium Michelle Lovric , London : Orion Children's , 2010 Z1758271 2010 single work children's fiction children's historical fiction

'Two summers ago, Venice was dying and an 11-year-old girl made her first (so she thought) visit to the city where she instantly felt she belonged. Teodora, it transpired, was the undrowned child, destined to save Venice from its long-standing enemy, Bajamonte Tiepolo, the traitor. According to a long ago prophecy, Teo and Renzo (the studious son) were the only people equipped to defeat the baddened magic that the traitor brought to the stricken city. But they couldn't kill him - and so, subdued, but bitter, he returned to his shadowy existence.

'Now he's back. And in need of a new army, he sets his sights on London - who are weak with mourning the death of their Queen, Victoria.

'Teo and Renzo find themselves on board a ship for orphans whose course seems mysteriously set for London. Once again, destiny brings them face to face with their enemy, who will stop at nothing to destroy not only London and Venice but the children at the heart of the prophecy that binds him to his failure.

'A thrilling sequel to The Undrowned Child, full of mermaids, mourning and menace, in which Teo and Renzo must fight to save London and Venice from baddened magic.' (From the publisher's website.)

9 6 y separately published work icon City of Lies Lian Tanner , New York (City) : Delacorte Press , 2011 Z1790161 2011 single work children's fiction children's adventure fantasy 'A gripping fantasy adventure: the exciting sequel to Museum of Thieves. Six months have passed since the Great Storm, and Goldie Roth is trapped at home again, this time by the invisible chains of love and guilt. But when Toadspit's sister Bonnie is abducted by a mysterious criminal called Harrow, Goldie must leave home in a bold attempt to rescue her friends ...

In the last few months she had had more than a dozen messages from the museum, asking when she was going to take up her position as Fifth Keeper. Tonight she would reply. 'Never.'

Goldie Roth is a trained thief and a skilful liar. She's supposed to be one of the keepers of the mysterious Museum of Dunt, along with her friend Toadspit. But although she desperately wants to be a keeper, her parents are ill and she will not leave them. Then Toadspit's sister Bonnie is stolen, and Goldie is forced into action. She and Toadspit follow the child-stealers to the neighbouring city of Spoke. Along the way, Toadspit is also captured, and Goldie discovers some dangerous secrets - secrets that the child-stealers will kill to protect. She will need all her skills as a thief and a liar if she is to survive and save her friends. But survive she must. Because the Fugleman has returned to Jewel, and the Fifth Keeper will soon be needed more than ever ...' (Publisher's blurb)
2 1 y separately published work icon Alice-Miranda on Holiday Alice-Miranda on Vacation Jacqueline Harvey , North Sydney : Random House Australia , 2010 Z1714411 2010 single work children's fiction children's

'Alice-Miranda Highton-Smith-Kennington-Jones has survived her first term at Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale. And now Jacinta Headlington-Bear, the school's second best tantrum thrower, is joining Alice-Miranda's family for term break. Who would have thought it!

'The two girls are looking forward to a relaxing holiday at Highton Hall. But a cranky boy is causing mischief on the estate, a movie star has come to visit, and a stranger is snooping about. Add a naughty pony, a hint of romance and a dastardly scheme, and Jacinta and Alice-Miranda might have a more exciting holiday than they were expecting.' (From the publisher's website.)

2 4 y separately published work icon A Mystery of Wolves : The Legend of Little Fur Isobelle Carmody , Camberwell : Viking , 2007 Z1447542 2007 single work children's fiction children's fantasy

'Little-Fur dreamed. . . she felt a terrible pain in her hand, as if someone had thrust a thorn deep in to it. The pain shifted to her chest and became a gnawing ache. It was the link between her and Crow and the grey cat. It was pulling, hurting her. . .

'Little Fur discovers that her friend, the cat Ginger, is in terrible danger. Advised by the wise Sett Owl to seek out the Mystery of Wolves, Little Fur takes as her guide an old wolf whom she frees from the zoo. Greysong leads her high into the frozen mountains where she must face the deadly peril that lies at the heart of the Mystery of Wolves.' (Publication summary)

3 6 y separately published work icon A Fox Called Sorrow : The Legend of Little Fur Isobelle Carmody , Camberwell : Viking , 2006 Z1270037 2006 single work children's fiction children's fantasy On a dangerous quest to the troll city of Underth, the healer, Little Fur, is mystified by a new companion--a scarred and angry fox whose strong spirit keeps him alive despite his wish to die.
2 4 y separately published work icon Toad Away Morris Gleitzman , Camberwell : Puffin , 2003 Z1081927 2003 single work children's fiction children's humour

'Stack Me!

'It's the heroic tale of one slightly squashed cane toad's travels across oceans, continents and some really busy roads.' (Publication summary)

16 13 y separately published work icon Nim's Island Wendy Orr , St Leonards : Allen and Unwin , 2000 Z795390 2000 single work children's fiction children's fantasy adventure (taught in 1 units) 'Nim loves her island home and the animals she shares it with even while her scientist father is away doing research, but trouble is on the way and a new e-mail friend could be the only one who can help' (Source: Kinetica).
5 5 y separately published work icon Fiddle-Back Elizabeth Honey , St Leonards : Allen and Unwin , 1998 Z795095 1998 single work children's fiction humour children's adventure This sequel describes the holiday adventures of the Stella Street gang when they go camping in the Christmas holidays.
3 3 y separately published work icon Don't Pat the Wombat! Elizabeth Honey , St Leonards : Allen and Unwin , 1996 Z793729 1996 single work children's fiction humour children's (taught in 2 units) A story full of energy and imagination for anyone who has ever experienced the sometimes dubious thrills of a school camp.