Tony Mack Tony Mack i(A66846 works by)
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1 Cooking in Prato Tony Mack , 2009 single work criticism
— Appears in: Lowdown , April vol. 31 no. 2 2009; (p. 6-7)
Children's Cheering Carpet - Saltbush, was one of the highlights of the 2009 Come Out festival in Prato, Italy.
1 Australia's Landscape of Innovation Tony Mack , 2008 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Lowdown Guide: Australian Performance for Young Audiences 2008; (p. 12-13)
In recent years Australian performance for young audiences has strived to reflect the diversity of Australia's landscape, both geographic and cultural.
1 Untitled Tony Mack , 2002 single work review
— Appears in: Lowdown , February vol. 24 no. 1 2002; (p. 39)

— Review of O Brave New World 2001 anthology criticism drama
1 y separately published work icon Lowdown vol. 24 no. 1 February Tony Mack (editor), 2002 Z947055 2002 periodical issue
1 1 Lowdown Lowdown Magazine Andrew Bleby (editor), Roger Chapman (editor), Helen Rickards (editor), Ian Chance (editor), Jo Shearer (editor), Anna Dollard (editor), Deborah Heithersay (editor), Rachel Healy (editor), Darrelyn Gunzburg (editor), Belinda MacQueen (editor), Leigh Mangin (editor), Tony Mack (editor), Jane Gronow (editor), Carclew Art Centre of S.A. (publisher), 1982 periodical (32 issues)

Lowdown features articles on youth performing arts activity, reviews on the latest shows, a comprehensive What's On column listing touring and performing programs, a news roundup from every State and Territory, and reviews on the most recent performing arts, theatre and drama publications. Published every two months since 1979, Lowdown Magazine is a living history of Australian youth performing arts, and actively assists government bodies, arts organisations, international visitors, academics and other media with information about the sector. (from magazine website sighted 27/8/08)

In 2010 Lowdown will be delivered digitally through Lowdown Online and its services. Print publication will cease after 2010. (Source: Lowdown vol.31 (4) August 2009 p.14)

10 y separately published work icon The White Savage Arthur W. Upfield , ( nar. Tony Mack ) Burwood : Royal Blind Society of New South Wales , 29159365 1961 single work novel mystery detective crime