Maria Shevtsova (International) assertion Maria Shevtsova i(A65362 works by)
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1 Other Cultures, Other Classes : Patricia Cornelius on Writing for the Melbourne Worker's Theatre Maria Shevtsova , 1995 single work criticism
— Appears in: Australasian Drama Studies , April no. 26 1995; (p. 141-152)
1 1 y separately published work icon Theatre and Cultural Interaction Maria Shevtsova , Sydney : Sydney Association for Studies in Society and Culture , 1993 Z930095 1993 single work criticism

' The essays collected here reflect some of my main concerns during the past ten years and belong to the sociology of the theatre as I have understood and developed it until now. The areas of my research that I have chosen for the purposes of this volume are productions, audiences and performers. These are essential components of the theatre which, while distinguishing it from literature, dramatic and otherwise, place the theatre firmly in the realm of what in French is exquisitely called les arts du spectacle, "performing arts" in English not quite capturing the precision of the French phrase. Even so, the term spectacle is not monosemantic and thus not crystal clear: it incorporates a wide range of shows (variety and circuses, for example, are spectacles) that leave the term and, with it, the very notion of art, open to debate.' (Publication abstract)

1 Audiences for Filef Theatre Group's "L'Alberto delle Rose/The Tree of Roses" and "Storie in Cantiere/Storie in Construction" Maria Shevtsova , 1992 single work criticism
— Appears in: Australasian Drama Studies , April no. 20 1992; (p. 93-118)