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5 3 y separately published work icon Aboriginal Myths Sreten Bozic , Alan Marshall , Melbourne : Gold Star , 1972 Z165294 1972 selected work short story Indigenous story Legends gathered from the Ngulugwongga people in the Northern Territory.
2 1 y separately published work icon Moon and Rainbow : The Autobiography of an Aboriginal Dick Roughsey , Artarmon : Reed , 1971 Z1436536 1971 single work autobiography

'The author is Lardil man from Mornington Island; comments on conception beliefs, birth, food plants, camp life, Creation myth, myths on origin of death, Thuwathu the Rainbow Serpent, marriage rules, relations with Mission staff, hunting & fishing, stellar myths, dugong hunting, wild bee myth; initiation myth, describes initiation ceremony, subincision, secret Damin language; flood ceremony, 22 lines of rain stopping song (with free translation), story of Warrenby, sorcery and sorcerers, clay as medicine, love magic, moon legend, death & mourning, burial, inquest, spirit beliefs; relations with Bentinck Island (Kaiadilt) people, stories of early settlement of Sweers Island; work on cattle stations & as deckhand, encouragement to work on bark painting' (Source: Online)

5 10 y separately published work icon Australian Legendary Tales : Folk-lore of the Noongahburrahs as Told to the Piccanninies K. Langloh Parker , London Melbourne : David Nutt Melville, Mullen and Slade , 1896 Z893525 1896 selected work prose Indigenous story
2 y separately published work icon Ourselves Writ Strange Alan Marshall , Melbourne : Cheshire , 1948 Z1292156 1948 single work prose travel '...story of the people who inhabit the unknown areas in Northern Australia and the islands of Torres Strait...' - from book jacket.