Taplinger Publishing Taplinger Publishing i(A58540 works by) (Organisation) assertion (a.k.a. Taplinger Publishing Company; Taplinger and Co.)
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1 1 y separately published work icon The Golden Spike Ted Morrisby , Adelaide : Brolga Books , 1984 Z203189 1984 single work novel
1 10 y separately published work icon The Treatment ; and, The Cure Peter Kocan , Sydney : Sirius Books , 1984 Z499356 1984 selected work novel
1 40 y separately published work icon The Suburbs of Hell : A Novel Randolph Stow , London : Secker and Warburg , 1984 Z385076 1984 single work novel crime historical fiction

''When a succession of murders shatters the tranquillityof an East Anglian seafaring town, irrational suspicion spreads like a contagious plague. In the murky pubs and on the cobbled street corners gossip is rife. Could Frank de Vere have shot his own wife through the head? Could Greg be the mad-dog killer of his brother?'

Source: Blurb.

2 70 y separately published work icon The Merry-Go-Round in the Sea Randolph Stow , London : MacDonald , 1965 Z320676 1965 single work novel (taught in 7 units)
1 44 y separately published work icon The Girl Green as Elderflower Randolph Stow , London : Secker and Warburg , 1980 Z314612 1980 single work novel

'Crispin Clare returns to his ancestral home in Suffolk to recover from a tropical disease he contracted while working in the Pacific. His life is now one of quiet mornings and peaceful afternoons spent in the garden. Suffering physically and psychologically, Clare turns to writing as a source of therapy. Intrigued by the local folklore he re-examines his life and the world around him through myth and legend. Ouija-board conversations, illness-induced fever dreams and strange voices in his head blur the lines between reality and these mythic tales. Clare's road to recovery is full of twists and turns. Weaving old-English legends with contemporary fables, Stow creates an imaginative landscape unlike any other. The Girl Green as Elderflower is an exceptional story of loss and exile.'(Publication summary)

1 90 y separately published work icon Tourmaline Randolph Stow , London : MacDonald , 1963 Z865108 1963 single work novel (taught in 5 units)

'Once prosperous, the town of Tourmaline in outback Western Australia is dying. The mines are drying up and the land is riddled by drought. Those townspeople left have little to do but wile away the hours with drink.

'Salvation of sorts arrives in the form of Michael Random, a mysterious water diviner who emerges from the desert. As the town's reluctant messiah Random begins to spread the word of Christ. Desperate for a reprieve, many of the locals are drawn to his teachings, but a stubborn few remain sceptical of their new leader.

'A post-apocalyptic parable, Tourmaline is Randolph Stow's most allusive and controversial novel. It remains a landmark in Australian literature more than half a century after its first publication.'

Source: Publisher's blurb (Text Classics).

4 121 y separately published work icon To the Islands Randolph Stow , London : MacDonald , 1958 Z320065 1958 single work novel (taught in 5 units)

'To the Islands concerns the ordeal of Stephen Heriot, an elderly, careworn, and disillusioned Anglican missionary who abandons his mission when he mistakenly believes he has accidentally killed one of his Aboriginal charges in a not entirely unprovoked confrontation. Heriot flees into the desert not to escape justice but to embrace its desolate beauty and its elemental purity as the one objective reality and the one certainty left available to him.

Heriot's flight and his embrace of the desert may be seen as his attempt, as a European Australian, to immerse himself in the landscape, to make himself one with the land. At this realistic level, the novel enacts the ontological and existential dilemma that confronts most — if not all — European Australians, the dilemma that Professor Hassall [in his introduction to the 2002 UQP Australian Authors version] defines as the continuing quest for psychic integration, for reconciliation with indigenous Australians, and with the land itself.'

Wells-Green, James. [Untitled Review.] JAS Review of Books 15 (May 2003)

3 70 y separately published work icon Visitants Randolph Stow , London : Secker and Warburg , 1979 Z314711 1979 single work novel (taught in 1 units) Set in 1959 in the Trobriand Islands off the east coast of Papua, Visitants depicts a colonial outpost a few years away from independence, in which the white characters occupy a position of uneasy authority over the indigenous Islanders. The novel exposes the failures of communication between the two cultures, heightened by the inclusion of the well-documented sightings of four human figures in a disc-shaped craft in the sky above Boianai in June 1959. The narrative documents the psychic disintegration of another visitant, the white Patrol Officer Alistair Cawdor, who loses his ability to relate to other human beings, dreaming instead of contact with the star-people in the Boianai flying saucer. The parallel story of the islanders traces an adroit political coup against the ageing Paramount Chief, carried out under the cover of a cargo cult uprising.' Anthony J. Hassall 'Foreword ' (October 2002): x., Visitants (2003).
1 y separately published work icon The Story of Australia Meredith Hooper , Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1974 Z952716 1974 single work non-fiction children's Traces the history and development of Australia from its beginnings as an English penal colony to the present.
3 2 y separately published work icon Everyday Inventions Meredith Hooper , Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1972 Z848143 1972 single work information book children's Presents the history of thirty-three inventions such as the zipper, typewriter, and barbed wire that have had great impact on the world.
1 y separately published work icon Myths and Legends of Australia A. W. Reed , Sydney : Reed , 1965 Z1362723 1965 anthology prose Indigenous story
1 1 y separately published work icon Katherine Mansfield: Memories of LM Memories of Katherine Mansfield. Leslie Moore , New York (City) : Taplinger Publishing , 1972 Z1067565 1972 single work biography
1 2 y separately published work icon Myths and Legends of Torres Strait Margaret Lawrie , Margaret Lawrie (translator), St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 1970 Z416296 1970 anthology prose Indigenous story

The stories in this collection were obtained at thirteen islands, within the archipelago of the Torres Strait, between Cape York, the northern point of Queensland, and the south coast of Papua New Guinea. The Islanders, despite nearly a century of continuous and increasing contact with European ways and thought, have been able to retain unbroken links with their past. It is these people, who over a period of four years, made a conscious effort to pass on to the general reader, whether they live in Torres Strait or elsewhere, part of their heritage which is embodied in legend and myth. (Source: Introduction by Margaret Lawrie)

2 1 y separately published work icon No Trains on Sunday Edwin A. Schurmann , Sydney London : Ure Smith , 1967 Z857829 1967 single work children's fiction children's A series of anecdotes about the experiences of 11 year old Willie Kohlmann living in a small Wimmera town in the late 1920s