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2 1 y separately published work icon A Place Called Lantern Light Ellen Miller , Sydney : Collins , 1975 Z844610 1975 single work children's fiction children's
3 2 y separately published work icon Run to the Mountains Margaret Paice , Sydney : Collins , 1972 Z41568 1972 single work children's fiction children's
4 2 y separately published work icon When Jays Fly to Barbmo Margaret Balderson , London : Oxford University Press , 1968 Z900184 1968 single work novel young adult

The story of Ingeborg, a young Norwegian girl, who lives on a farm on the remote island of Draugoy, in the north. The Germans are beginning their invasion of Norway.

4 7 y separately published work icon The Min-Min Mavis Thorpe Clark , Melbourne : Lansdowne , 1966 Z949462 1966 single work novel young adult

'Across nearly two thousand miles of flat, sandy desert country runs a railway line, linking east and west Australia. Scattered along it are small groups of houses. Here the fettlers live, isolated from towns and other people, maintaining the line in the blazing heat.

At night, out of the blackness the min-min appears, an elusive and mystic light dancing on the horizon, beckoning and retreating. Aborigines tell of the wonder and excitement this small swaying light arouses. To Sylvie, a young girl living with her family at the siding, the gleam in the dark is symbolic of her life and future.

Her brother Reg, a "young rough", is frightened to stay at the siding after some of the mischief he causes. So he and Sylvie set off across the endless desert, carrying insufficient water and some bread and jam, walking under the scorching sun, in dust and wind, and facing icy nights.'

Source: 1966 publisher's blurb.

19 6 y separately published work icon Ash Road Ivan Southall , Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1965 Z116360 1965 single work children's fiction children's (taught in 1 units)

'It's hot, dry and sweaty on Ash Road, where Graham, Harry and Wallace are getting their first taste of independence, camping, just the three of them. When they accidentally light a bushfire no one would have guessed how far it would go. All along Ash Road fathers go off to fight the fires and mothers help in the first aid centres. The children of Prescott are left alone, presumed safe, until it's the fire itself that reaches them. These children are forced to face a major crisis with only each other and the two old men left in their care.

'The best selling Ash Road is an action-packed adventure story, so evocative of rural Australia you can taste the Eucalyptus.' (Publication summary : Text Classics)

5 1 y separately published work icon Tiger in the Dark Mary Elwyn Patchett , Leicester : Brockhampton Press , 1964 Z831073 1964 single work novel science fiction young adult

Dr Curtis Barnett and his son Bruce set out on an expedition to Australia to investigate sightings of the Queensland marsupial tiger, a supposedly extinct mammal.

3 y separately published work icon Undersea Treasure Hunters Mary Elwyn Patchett , London : Lutterworth , 1955 Z830630 1955 single work children's