Set in the mythical country of Paflagonia, a hundred years in the future (1992), the story revolves around Prince Bulbo, 'the perfect prince,' who visits the court of King Valoroso for the purpose of marrying the latter's daughter Angelica. Valoroso is described as a monarch with a temper of his own. During the festivity's of a state banquet the King becomes intoxicated and makes improper passes at a charming waiting maid, Rosabela. Unfortunately she has previously won the affection of the king's nephew, Prince Giglio. Impetuously he flaws the king with a blow from a warming pan and flees. When the King recovers consciousness he orders the arrest and execution of the prince. Unable to find Giglio the court decides to arrest and execute Prince Bulbo in default. Meanwhile Rosabela is arrested and threatened with torture unless she divulges the whereabouts of her lover. Giglio returns to save Rosabela, at which time thy sing the duet 'By Thy Side, Dearest One.' Upon hearing of Giglio's return King Valoroso falls into a revengeful rage, demanding his guards seize the prince immediately and kill him. In desperation Rosabela summons to her aid her fairy grandmamma, Blackstick, who helps Giglio first escape, and then worst the king in a fight. All ends happily ever after with Valoroso taken prisoner, Giglio then ascends the throne with Rosabela as his queen, and Bulbo marries Angelica.
[Source: Australian Variety Theatre Archive]