Victor G. Ambrus (International) assertion Victor G. Ambrus i(A51754 works by) (a.k.a. Laszlo Gyozo Ambrus; Victor Ambrus)
Born: Established: 1935 Budapest,
Eastern Europe, Europe,
Gender: Male
Heritage: Hungarian
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Works By

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2 1 y separately published work icon Brumby Racer Elyne Mitchell , Richmond : Hutchinson Australia , 1981 Z836191 1981 single work novel young adult Nooroo, son of Buzz and Yarrawa, was born a brumby but is trained to race by Mary Anne and James Reid and soon becomes a legend in the Snowy Mountains. He enjoys life at the homestead and loves his little mare, Honey, but he also longs to gallop with a herd of his own - out on the high mountains, where his sire and dam graze.
2 2 y separately published work icon Snowy River Brumby Elyne Mitchell , Richmond : Hutchinson Australia , 1980 Z863517 1980 single work novel young adult The powerful stallion Buzz and his beautiful filly, Yarrawa, now have a handsome son. Nooroo is growing up to be even faster than his father when he meets with a terrible accident. Buzz races for the homestead and Mary Anne, hoping that the girl who reared him so lovingly will also be able to help his son.
3 1 y separately published work icon The Colt from Snowy River Elyne Mitchell , Richmond : Hutchinson Australia , 1979 Z863318 1979 single work novel young adult
3 y separately published work icon Son of the Whirlwind Elyne Mitchell , Richmond : Hutchinson Australia , 1976 Z835762 1976 single work novel young adult

A silver brumby is special ... but he will be hunted by man and horse alike, and must be stronger than both ... The silver foal embarks on a long and hazardous search to find his father, the legendary silver brumby, Thowra. The colt's life is threatened by other horses who fear him, and man who seeks to capture his free spirit. Will his journey ever end?

3 1 y separately published work icon The Colt at Taparoo Elyne Mitchell , Richmond : Hutchinson Australia , 1975 Z863521 1975 single work novel young adult Of all the foals born that Spring at Taparoo, none was faster or more nimble than Gay's beautiful chestnut colt, Fire, whose birth was such a surprise to Robin and his family. During their adventures in the mountains and on the plains, Gay and Fire are often attacked by the bad-tempered mare Queen and her colt. No one understands why Queen is so jealous until they solve the mystery surrounding the birth of Fire.
4 1 y separately published work icon Silver Brumby Whirlwind Elyne Mitchell , Melbourne : Hutchinson Australia , 1973 Z862762 1973 single work novel young adult Wise old Benni, the kangaroo tells Thowra, the great Silver Brumby: 'In the north the whirlwind blows. And you will dance with living light. There, in the north, is the first born daughter of sunlight and moonlight blending over snow ... A whirlwind is the beginning. And a whirlwind is the end.' So Thowra goes to the strange country northwards to discover the meaning of Benni's riddle.
1 1 y separately published work icon Light Horse to Damascus Elyne Mitchell , Richmond : Hutchinson , 1971 Z515638 1971 single work novel young adult

'In 'Light Horse to Damascus' (Hutchinson, $2.95), Elyne Mitchell comes to the book which she has probably been planning to write for the past 20 years. This is a history of the Australian Light Horse in the Palestine campaign of 1916-18. As a daughter of General Sir Harry Chauvel the author would have grown up with the history, legends and personal reminiscences of this desert war.

'Her main charactcr is Lighthorseman Dick Osborne who, mainly because of the qualities of his magnificent horse, is selected to carry despatches to and from the General.'


L. Rees, 'More Juvenile Reading', The Canberra Times, 8 July 1972, p.13.

1 1 y separately published work icon The Lighthouse Keeper's Son Nan Chauncy , London : Oxford University Press , 1969 Z836832 1969 single work children's fiction children's Living in a lighthouse is an isolated and frequently dangerous life but, after his father tries pineapple farming, Chessy Trent is certain he would much prefer being a lighthouse keeper's son.
4 2 y separately published work icon When Jays Fly to Barbmo Margaret Balderson , London : Oxford University Press , 1968 Z900184 1968 single work novel young adult

The story of Ingeborg, a young Norwegian girl, who lives on a farm on the remote island of Draugoy, in the north. The Germans are beginning their invasion of Norway.

2 2 y separately published work icon A Sapphire for September Hesba Brinsmead , London : Oxford University Press , 1967 Z76677 1967 single work novel young adult

'A sixteen-year-old girl living in Sydney joins a rock hound group and finds to her pleasant surprise that her interest in a certain boy exceeds her interest in gems.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

4 1 y separately published work icon Mathinna's People Nan Chauncy , London : Oxford University Press , 1967 Z39740 1967 single work children's fiction children's A fictional reconstruction of the tragic fate of the Toogee people, Aborigines of western Tasmania, after the arrival of Europeans.
1 y separately published work icon No Beat of Drum Hester Burton , Queensland : Oxford University Press , 1966 Z797856 1966 single work children's fiction children's historical fiction

'Mary Hogan, "too wild, too proud and too pretty for a parish orphan," is the first to be sentenced to exile in Tasmania, her "crime"–the death of a runaway horse–caused by a prank; then it is Joe Hinton and his older brother Dick who are convicted for taking part in the farm laborers' revolt in Hampshire. However unjust his sentence, however sad he is at parting from his mother and sister. Joe knows that there is "no honor, no justice, no future" for his kind in England anyhow, that the circumstances of the early nineteenth century have made him surplus. As she demonstrated so masterfully in Time of Trial. Miss Burton knows how to seize hold of time and place and implications–the scenes of the threshers confronting the conscientious farmer, the narrow-minded minister, are crisp and convincing. Not so the rest of the book; after Joe leaves the confines of the convict ship and is bound to an ignorant, besotted master, the pieces fall all-too-neatly into place. He is rescued by the very man he admired on his first day in Hobart, spies Mary in the midst of a roaring fire which kills–conveniently–the husband she has married for convenience who conveniently leaves her a landholding and a little money in the bank; with this stake the two make a start, but it is the end for the always rebellious Dick–after repeated escapes he is injured and dies in Joe's hut.'

Source: Kirkus Reviews ( (Sighted: 6/12/2016)

3 y separately published work icon Brumby Foal Mary Elwyn Patchett , London : Lutterworth , 1965 Z1345412 1965 single work novel adventure young adult
2 1 y separately published work icon High and Haunted Island Nan Chauncy , London : Oxford University Press , 1964 Z836730 1964 single work children's fiction children's adventure Two schoolgirls are stranded on the rocky shore of Port Davey, off the Tasmanian coast, in wartime.