Maurice D. Chapman Maurice D. Chapman i(A50891 works by) (birth name: Maurice Dale Chapman) (a.k.a. Chapman, Maurice; M.D. Chapman)
Born: Established: 7 Sep 1910 Adelaide, South Australia, ; Died: Ceased: 2015
Gender: Male
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1 form Jimmie Colt Maurice D. Chapman , 1946 series - publisher radio play
1 y separately published work icon Jimmie Colt : Air-borne Investigator Maurice D. Chapman , Sydney : Australasian Publishing Co. , 1947 Z804633 1947 single work novel

'To Jimmie Colt women were dynamite at any time — to be handled with care and kept at a safe distance. When Diana Godfrey's nylon clad legs flashed through the door of his office and he sat listening to the kind of case any normal investigator hates to undertake, he realised that here was dynamite and in a most dangerously attractive form. But Jimmie Colt possessed qualities not shared by the normal investigator: that was why he took the case. Any other investigator would have foreseen that his client had one chance in a thousand of leaving his office alive. But not Colt; he walked into a tangled sequence of events that led him into trouble and adventure at every turn.'


'Jimmie Colt', Centralian Advocate, 19 March 1948, p.3.

1 form Murder Rehearsal : A Radio Sketch Maurice D. Chapman , 1934 single work radio play