Emily Martha Bonning Emily Martha Bonning i(A45877 works by) (birth name: Emily Martha Crook)
Also writes as: Emilie Martha Bonning
Gender: Female
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1 y separately published work icon Beneath the Pavement Emily Martha Bonning , Ilfracombe : Stockwell , 1949 Z799473 1949 single work novel
1 y separately published work icon The Way of the Wilderness : Out of the Wilderness Emilie Martha Bonning , Ilfracombe : Stockwell , 1946 Z799470 1946 single work non-fiction
1 y separately published work icon A Queenscliff Romance Emily Martha Bonning , Geelong : Emily Martha Bonning , 1940-1949 Z799467 1940-1949 single work novella romance
1 y separately published work icon Garland of Love Emily Martha Bonning , Geelong : Emily Martha Bonning , 1940-1949 Z799464 1940-1949 selected work poetry