Justin Macdonnell Justin Macdonnell i(A36282 works by)
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1 1 y separately published work icon Performing Arts Markets and Their Conundrums Justin Macdonnell , Strawberry Hills : Currency Press , 2020 18632407 2020 single work criticism

'Once, the idea of the arts participating in what are undeniably trade fairs, complete with product booths, giveaways and funny hats, would have been a breach of faith with their sponsors. Today, it is the norm. These events range from the huge and grotesque, such as APAP (American Performing Arts Presenters) to the less daunting, such as CINARS in Montreal or APAM in Australia. From the US the concept spread around the globe and while Europe has largely resisted the trend there are now arts markets throughout Asia, North and South America and the Pacific.

'But the question now is: has the arts market outlived its usefulness? Have the new digital platforms made touring redundant? Has the rapid, borderless exchange of artists, and the worldwide experience of co-productions, residencies and other collaboration, made them superfluous? Isn’t the world simply saturated with dance, physical theatre and new music, not to say festivals and circuits? Veteran marketeer Justin Macdonnell is uncompromising in his advice. APAM is seeking to reinvent itself from an intensive four-day conference every two years to an elongated ‘process’ in Melbourne. So, an awareness of the need is in the air. But change to what and where might it end?

'This paper questions the assumptions underlying the whole notion of a market: the role that government agencies have played in advocating, enabling and even owning such events; and re-evaluates their achievements and shortcomings. It suggests other possibilities, including those now under trial in Australia.' (Publication abstract)

1 y separately published work icon Cultural Precincts : Art or Commodity? Justin Macdonnell , Strawberry Hills : Currency Press , 2015 9544662 2015 single work criticism

'An estimated $250 billion will be spent worldwide in the current decade on creating ‘cultural precincts’, collections of buildings with some arts-related function. Today, both capital and regional cities are building precincts which make grand claims for artistic collaboration, urban renewal, tourism and ‘liveable’ residential development while bringing substantial economic benefits. But is any of this true? Are they creative and profitable? Justin Macdonnell surveys the literature to uncover who really benefits. Once precincts grew where the people gathered, now they rise in neglected places, in the hope of attracting growth. There’s evidence they sell more tickets, but not that they produce better art. Property values rise, but are artists better rewarded? Does the public have a richer experience or even a more convenient one? Are cultural precincts really just another commodifying of the arts? Is there a better way?' (Publication summary)

1 Siding i "The train that ran at five o'clock", Justin Macdonnell , 1995 single work poetry
— Appears in: Westerly , Autumn vol. 40 no. 1 1995; (p. 83)
1 Flight Time i "We eat with care - you chewing", Justin Macdonnell , 1995 single work poetry
— Appears in: Island , Summer no. 65 1995-1996; (p. 36)
1 Transubstantiation i "Today the bread", Justin Macdonnell , 1994 single work poetry
— Appears in: Scarp , May no. 24 1994; (p. 6)
1 Replay i "This is murder motel", Justin Macdonnell , 1993 single work poetry
— Appears in: Outrider : A Journal of Multicultural Literature in Australia , vol. 10 no. 1993; (p. 406)
1 Alone with Joan Crawford i "At the pictures life", Justin Macdonnell , 1993 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Sydney Review , January-February no. 50 1993; (p. 14)
1 Friday i "Like the day after a cyclone", Justin Macdonnell , 1993 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 10-11 April 1993; (p. rev 6)
1 Reliquary i "The pot still stands on", Justin Macdonnell , 1993 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Sydney Morning Herald , 27 February 1993; (p. 45)
1 1 y separately published work icon Arts, Minister? Government Policy and the Arts Justin Macdonnell , Sydney : Currency Press , 1992 Z930803 1992 single work criticism
1 Encounter i "In the dry creek bed", Justin Macdonnell , 1992 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 13-14 June 1992; (p. rev 7)
1 Old Woman at a Window i "The blink and crease", Justin Macdonnell , 1992 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Age , 13 June 1992; (p. 9)
1 Easy Rider i "We drove very fast", Justin Macdonnell , 1992 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Sydney Review , July no. 44 1992; (p. 10)
1 Package Tour i "I walk into any", Justin Macdonnell , 1992 single work poetry
— Appears in: LiNQ , vol. 19 no. 2 1992; (p. 72-77)
1 Sportif i "I was never keen", Justin Macdonnell , 1991 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Adelaide Review , July no. 90 1991; (p. 22)
1 From the Tubs i "It had been so easy", Justin Macdonnell , 1991 single work poetry
— Appears in: Outrider : A Journal of Multicultural Literature in Australia , vol. 8 no. 1991; (p. 234)
1 R and R - August '69 i "We met once - twice", Justin Macdonnell , 1991 single work poetry
— Appears in: Outrider : A Journal of Multicultural Literature in Australia , vol. 8 no. 1991; (p. 233-234)
1 Journey i "The moon is at midday", Justin Macdonnell , 1991 single work poetry
— Appears in: Outrider : A Journal of Multicultural Literature in Australia , vol. 8 no. 1991; (p. 232-233)
1 Gift Wrapped i "Today a Christmas", Justin Macdonnell , 1991 single work poetry
— Appears in: Webber's , December no. 4 1991; (p. 32)
1 Rear Vision i "Trains admit you", Justin Macdonnell , 1991 single work poetry
— Appears in: LiNQ , vol. 18 no. 2 1991; (p. 47)