Hugh Edwards Hugh Edwards i(A2994 works by)
Born: Established: 1933 Perth, Western Australia, ; Died: Ceased: 10 May 2024
Gender: Male
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1 1 y separately published work icon Dead Men's Silver : The Story of Australia's Greatest Shipwreck Hunter Hugh Edwards , Sydney : HarperCollins Australia , 2011 Z1843275 2011 single work autobiography

'Brought up on tales of pirates and great treasure hunters, Hugh Edwards never expected to handle "pieces of eight" himself. But one exciting day off the West Australian coast, that is exactly what happened, when he and his team located treasure lost from the Dutch East Indiaman shipwreck the Vergulde Draeck. It was a moment of astonishment and euphoria, as there in his hand lay a piece of silver with the inscription: PHILIPPUS IIII ... REX HISPANIA ... DG - Philip IV, King of Spain, Dei Gratia (by the Grace of God). The date on the coin was 1654.

'Nearly fifty years later Hugh Edwards has explored shipwrecks around the world - in the Mediterranean, the Falklands, Cambodia - wherever there is treasure to be found. He has been recognised as ′primary finder′ of the 1629 wreck of the Batavia and the 1727 wreck the Zeewyk. He has worked with some of the world's craziest, daring and most successful divers in some of the most beautiful or stormy places on Earth.

'This is the story of a lifetime of adventure - of dangerous seas, thrilling underwater locations, of pirate diplomacy and empire building, and of modern derring-do.' (From the publisher's website.)

1 1 y separately published work icon The Crocodile God Hugh Edwards , Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1982 Z842435 1982 single work children's fiction children's adventure Adventure story featuring the Masterson family set on the north west Australian coastline.
1 y separately published work icon Playing with More Ideas : Short, Practical Plays for Junior Secondary Students Hugh Edwards , Melbourne : Nelson , 1981 Z836389 1981 selected work drama young adult
1 1 y separately published work icon Sim, the Sea Lion Hugh Edwards , Adelaide : Rigby , 1981 Z836338 1981 single work children's fiction children's
1 Blood on Coral Sand Hugh Edwards , 1979 extract (Islands of Angry Ghosts)
— Appears in: Wide Domain : Western Australian Themes and Images 1979; (p. 12-16)
1 The Pieces-of-Eight Hugh Edwards , 1979 single work short story
— Appears in: Summerland : A Western Australian Sesquicentenary Anthology of Poetry and Prose 1979; (p. 73-79)
1 1 y separately published work icon The Pearl Pirates Hugh Edwards , Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1977 Z842438 1977 single work children's fiction children's adventure
1 y separately published work icon Sea Lion Island Hugh Edwards , Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1977 Z842429 1977 single work children's fiction children's adventure Adventure story featuring the Masterson family.
1 y separately published work icon Sea Witch Hugh Edwards , 1976 1976- Z900706 1976 series - author children's fiction children's adventure
1 1 y separately published work icon Joe Nangan's Dreaming : Aboriginal Legends of the North-West Hugh Edwards , Joe Nangan , Melbourne : Nelson , 1976 Z844862 1976 selected work prose dreaming story Indigenous story
1 y separately published work icon Tiger Shark Hugh Edwards , London : Angus and Robertson , 1976 Z830789 1976 single work children's fiction children's adventure
1 The Shark Fisherman Hugh Edwards , 1973 single work short story
— Appears in: Sandgropers : A Western Australian Anthology 1973; (p. 49-57)
1 y separately published work icon The Triumphs and Tragedies of Pearl Divers of Australia Hugh Edwards , Sydney : Hamlyn , 1972 Z835843 1972 single work children's
1 y separately published work icon Captain William Bligh R.N. : The Trials and Triumphs of Captain William Bligh R.N. Hugh Edwards , Sydney : Hamlyn , 1972 Z830024 1972 single work children's
1 y separately published work icon The Wreck on the Half-Moon Reef Hugh Edwards , Adelaide : Rigby , 1970 Z812695 1970 single work
1 2 y separately published work icon Islands of Angry Ghosts Hugh Edwards , London : Hodder and Stoughton , 1966 Z812698 1966 single work

'In 1629, the Dutch East India merchantman the Batavia was wrecked on reef islands off the West Australian coast while on a routine trip to Indonesia. What followed this disaster is a harrowing tale of desertion, betrayal and murder. More than 125 men, women and children were murdered by mutineers caught in a frenzy of bloodlust and greed. By the time the rescue ship finally arrived, months later, the marooned were caught in a desperate battle between soldiers trying to defend the survivors and the mutineers who were bent on leaving no witnesses.

'More than three hundred years later, Hugh Edwards, a West Australian reporter and diving enthusiast, started to search for the lost ship. When Edwards and his team found the Batavia, they discovered the final piece of a story that has gripped Australians for over a century. ' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Midnight Trader : The Adventures of a Mediterranean Smuggler Hugh Edwards , London : Harrap , 1959 Z812704 1959 single work