Born: Established: 1967 Sydney, New South Wales, ;
'Secrets, lies, murder and betrayal.
'Micah Wilkins is a liar. But when her boyfriend, Zach, dies under brutal circumstances, the shock might be enough to set her straight. Or maybe not. Especially when lying comes as naturally to her as breathing. Was Micah dating Zach? Did they kiss? Did she see him the night he died? And is she really hiding a family secret? Where does the actual truth lie?
'Liar is a breathtaking roller-coaster read that will have you up all night, desperately seeking for something true.' (From the publisher's website.)
6.4807405'Edited by Holly Black (Team Unicorn) and Justine Larbalestier (Team Zombie). Zombies Vs Unicorns is a unique short story feud that pits horned beasts against the shuffling undead.
'It's a question as old as time itself: which reigns supreme, the zombie or the unicorn?
'"For too long, the zombie has dominated the public consciousness, but the reign of the unicorn is at hand!" Holly Black - Team Unicorn
'"I think that posterity will look upon this as the moment when zombies took their rightful place at the top of the food chain." Justine Larbalestier - Team Zombie
'Contributors to this unique collection include bestselling teen and YA authors, Garth Nix, Meg Cabot, Scott Westerfeld, Cassandra Clare, Libba Bray, Maureen Johnson and Margo Lanagan. Zombie Vs Unicorns challenges you to pick a team, and stick to it. But be warned, these are stellar story-tellers, and they can be very convincing...' (From the publisher's website.)
5.477226'At New Avalon, everyone has a personal fairy - some less desirable than others: Charlie's fairy ensures that she always has a car park, which seems to pale in comparison to Fiorenze's all-the-boys-like-you fairy. [...]
'"Rochelle gets a clothes-shopping fairy and is always well attired; I get a parking fairy and always smell faintly of petrol. How fair is that?"
'For Charlie, having a parking fairy is worse than having nothing at all - especially since she's not old enough to drive. Enter The Plan: swap fairies with her archenemy! But Charlie discovers that you ought to be careful what you wish for - and she'll have to resort to extraordinary measures to set things right.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
Additional Works:
Larbalestier's work on American post-war science fiction includes the following: