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Source: Almoni (1904)
John H. Nicholson John H. Nicholson i(A2538 works by) (a.k.a. John Henry Nicholson; John Nicholson)
Also writes as: Salathiel Doles ; Tadberry Gilcobs
Born: Established: 12 Jun 1838 Lyme Regis, Dorset,
United Kingdom (UK),
Western Europe, Europe,
; Died: Ceased: 30 Jun 1923 Brisbane, Queensland,
Gender: Male
Arrived in Australia: 1854
Heritage: English
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Works By

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1 Blainey, the Press, and the National Psyche John H. Nicholson , Keith Simkin , 1985 single work criticism
— Appears in: Meridian , May vol. 4 no. 1 1985; (p. 79-83)
1 In Austral Woods i "The moonlight and the murmur of the sea,", John H. Nicholson , 1924 single work poetry
— Appears in: A Book of Queensland Verse 1924; (p. 66)
1 My Oracle i "The silence of the solitary bush", John H. Nicholson , 1924 single work poetry
— Appears in: A Book of Queensland Verse 1924; (p. 65)
1 The Messenger i "Lord, I have never loved my life so much,", John H. Nicholson , 1924 single work poetry
— Appears in: A Book of Queensland Verse 1924; (p. 64-65)
1 Stanthorpe John H. Nicholson , 1916 single work poetry
— Appears in: A Book of Verse 1916; (p. 39)
1 2 y separately published work icon A Book of Verse John H. Nicholson , Brisbane : Gordon and Gotch , 1916 Z407530 1916 selected work poetry
1 y separately published work icon Sunrise John H. Nicholson , Brisbane : John H. Nicholson , 1910-1919 Z1326817 1910-1919 single work lyric/song
1 y separately published work icon Rouse, Australians! Patriotic song with sol-fa arrangement for 4 voices John H. Nicholson , Seymour Dicker (composer), Brisbane : Pole, Outridge and Co, , 1910-1919 Z1326806 1910-1919 single work lyric/song
1 1 y separately published work icon Almoni John H. Nicholson , Brisbane : Edwards, Dunlop and Company , 1904 Z796895 1904 single work novel An Oriental tale set in a variety of utopian and dystopian settings, Almoni is a companion volume to Halek. Both novels tell the story of a young man, Halek (a Hebrew word meaning pilgrim), who after becoming inspired by his beloved, Turoni, undertakes a lifelong spiritual quest. The journey, which is completed by the end of the first book sees Halek's pilgrimage take him from 'a fictive world of greed and incivility (Pagam) to a land of moral aspiration and spiritual effort (Karom) and finally to a place of spiritual perfection (Sahitam)' (Buckridge and McKay, p.24). In his Preface to Almoni Nicholson provides a brief explanation of Pagam, Karom and Sahitam:

The island which is the scene of Halek's adventures is peoples by Pagmas, Karomas and Sahitamas. He that is wasting his substance in a far country is a Pagma; he that has arisen, and is on his way to the Father, is a Karoma; [and] he that has realised his oneness with the father, and dwells in the peace of love is a Sahitama (x).

Almoni, described by Nicholson as a 'companion volume,' deals with Halek's 'progressive initiation into "worshipful brethren" of spiritual adepts, his falling in love with the lovely Lirusan, and his return on a mission to Karom and Pagam. In By the Book: A Literary History of Queensland, Buckridge and McKay argue that while Nicholson claims that his intention was to "to write a work which would combine the most engaging qualities of Robinson Crusoe with those of The Arabian Nights," The Pilgrim's Progress is in some ways the more obvious model' (p. 24).

Buckridge and McKay further note that one of the more unusual features of both books 'is their preoccupation with the subject of poetry and "being a poet:"

Social life, even in the debased land of Pagam revolves around regular public performances, some of them fiercely competitive. Halek and his associates agonise about the technical virtuosity and emotional power of their own and others' poems, and Halek's retun journey to Pagam clearly symbolises the civilising mission of poetry to a culturally deprived colonial outpost... Halek's world embodies a kind of Augustian ideal in which poetry, music and the other arts all matter deeply and form the common staple of public recreation and discourse (25).
1 y separately published work icon Our Austral Flag : Song and Chorus John H. Nicholson , Sydney : W. H. Paling , 1901 Z1326833 1901 single work lyric/song
1 y separately published work icon The Fish that Couldn't Sneeze. John H. Nicholson , Brisbane : s.n. , 1900-1999 Z1326845 1900-1999 single work poetry children's
1 1 Sons of Britannia i "Sons of Britannia, hear ye the call", John H. Nicholson , 1898 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Queenslander , 20 August 1898; (p. 353)
1 y separately published work icon Sons of Britannia : a Federation song John H. Nicholson , Sydney : W. H. Paling , 1890-1899 Z1326868 1890-1899 single work lyric/song
1 y separately published work icon The Spanish Coachman John H. Nicholson , Brisbane : Cleghorn , 1887 Z859579 1887 single work drama
1 y separately published work icon Moike, or, Melbourne in a Muddle : A Farcical Comedy in Two Acts John H. Nicholson , Brisbane : Cleghorn , 1886 Z859576 1886 single work drama
2 9 y separately published work icon The Adventures of Halek : An Autobiographical Fragment John H. Nicholson , London : Griffith, Farran, Okeden and Welsh , 1882 Z1328267 1882 single work novel fantasy

The novels Halek (1881) and its sequel, Amoni (1904) tell the story of a young man, Halek (a Hebrew word meaning pilgrim), who after becoming inspired by his beloved, Turoni, undertakes a lifelong spiritual quest. The journey, which is completed by the end of the first book sees Halek's pilgrimage play out in variety of utopian and dystopian settings, taking him from 'a fictive world of greed and incivility (Pagam) to a land of moral aspiration and spiritual effort (Karom) and finally to a place of spiritual perfection (Sahitam)' (Buckridge and McKay, p.24). In his Preface to Almoni Nicholson provides a brief explanation of Pagam, Karom and Sahitam:

The island which is the scene of Halek's adventures is peopled by Pagmas, Karomas and Sahitamas. He that is wasting his substance in a far country is a Pagma; he that has arisen, and is on his way to the Father, is a Karoma; [and] he that has realised his oneness with the father, and dwells in the peace of love is a Sahitama (x).

Almoni, described by Nicholson as a 'companion volume,' deals with Halek's 'progressive initiation into "worshipful brethren" of spiritual adepts, his falling in love with the lovely Lirusan, and his return on a mission to Karom and Pagam. In By the Book: A Literary History of Queensland, Buckridge and McKay argue that while Nicholson claims that his intention was to "to write a work which would combine the most engaging qualities of Robinson Crusoe with those of The Arabian Nights," The Pilgrim's Progress is in some ways the more obvious model' (p. 24).

Buckridge and McKay further note that one of the more unusual features of both books 'is their preoccupation with the subject of poetry and "being a poet:"

Social life, even in the debased land of Pagam revolves around regular public performances, some of them fiercely competitive. Halek and his associates agonise about the technical virtuosity and emotional power of their own and others' poems, and Halek's retun journey to Pagam clearly symbolises the civilising mission of poetry to a culturally deprived colonial outpost... Halek's world embodies a kind of Augustian ideal in which poetry, music and the other arts all matter deeply and form the common staple of public recreation and discourse (25).

1 Harry Stumm John H. Nicholson , 1879 single work poetry
— Appears in: Hubert and Other Poems : Together with a Metrical Translation of Schiller's 'Lied von der Glocke' 1879;
1 A Curtain Lecture i "'One night I caught my soul alone in bed;", John H. Nicholson , 1879 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Queenslander , 8 February 1879; (p. 171)
1 Sonnet i "Go to the garden in the early morn,", John H. Nicholson , 1879 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Queenslander , 28 June 1879; (p. 809)
1 From the Wilderness i "TRAVELLING in Queensland once in summer time,", John H. Nicholson , 1879 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Queenslander , 8 March 1879; (p. 297)