'The story of "Rising Mist" concerns the Trent family, comprising father, mother, son, daughter, and scapegrace nephew, Nicco, for whom Mrs. Trent has a soft spot in her heart. Gloria Grant, with whom the son, Robin, has fallen violently in love, comes on a visit to her fiance's family, and Nicco unexpectedly arrives shortly beforehand to beg "a bed, a loan of pyjamas, and a little rest from the wicked world."
Gloria is an adventuress with a not very fragrant past. Nicco knows this, and to save her from Robin, whom she does not love, he suggests to her that she shall marry him. Gloria, terrified at what Nicco may reveal, throws herself in front of Robin's car and is killed. Nicco refuses to open his lips in any explanation, and finally leaves the Trent household, misunderstood by all but Anne Trent, who, herself in love with him, intuitively understood his actions.'
Source: 'Chronicles of "Candida"', The Mail, 23 Sep. 1933, p. 2.