William Francis Clark William Francis Clark i(A149053 works by) (Organisation) assertion
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1 1 y separately published work icon The Sydney Weekly Transcript William Francis Clark (editor), 1846 Sydney : William Francis Clark , 1846 Z1882979 1846 newspaper

A prospectus for the Sydney Weekly Transcript is advertised in the Morning Chronicle, 28 January 1846. The prospectus, signed by W. F. Clark of 23 Charlotte Place and dated 24 January 1846, promises 'copious supply of the most important and interesting domestic and colonial intelligence, with a careful selection from the best British, Irish and Foreign Journals ... at a price that will bring it within the means of every man in the community.' The contents were advertised as 'arranged under the following heads, :- Shipping Intelligence - Law Intelligence - Police Office, embracing all the proceedings of the week up to Twelve o'clock on Saturday - Domestic intelligence, embracing the City Council and Insolvent Court and every incident of moment or interest that may occur during the week - News from the Interior - Colonial Intelligence and Foreign Intelligence ...' Articles on politics were to consist of the 'best Articles that shall have appeared during the week in the leading Journals, of opposite principles' but religious discussion would be excluded. The newspaper seems to have had a short life and probably ceased in May 1846.