'Forest of Dreams is a heartwarming story that follows Zeb and Maya—two young children on a mission to protect the environment and the magical world of fairies. The fairies are in danger of losing their magical existence, as a group of miners, including the children's father, plan to chop down their forest home. The fairies meet in a crystal cave where Aurora, the mother of healing crystals, has fallen “sick” due to her vision of a bleak and dismal world saddened by a decaying environment. Only Zeb and Maya have the power to save the fairies and their Forest of Dreams if in fact they can convince their father to stop the miners before they embark upon their mission. But alas, Father is much like other adults who have lost the power to believe in the world of magic. He doesn't believe a word of what the children have to say. Not until the fairies visit him in his dreams. Join Zeb and Maya as they take their father on a mystical journey where he can witness the crystals and the natural wonders of the forest first-hand. Can Zeb and Maya succeed in re-awakening their father's power to believe in the ways of magic?'
Source: Publisher's blurb.