A television film intended as the pilot for a television series that never eventuated and based on a novel by Kenneth Cook (as Alan Hale), The Bushranger followed the adventures of 'Hangman' Hatton, a bushranger who, in the words of Bruce Irwin, 'had a particular penchant for hanging the odd victim'.
Irwin (who was involved in the production, as part of a team of steam-train enthusiasts), sums up the film as follows:
With gold and prosperity abounding, enter Hatton, well known bushranger, train hijacker and general thief. Hatton holes-up in a cave in the area, to escape from Sgt. Dunbard (John Hamblin) and the District Inspector (Ken Wayne). Dermot Riely (Kevin Wilson "Class of 74") accidentally becomes involved because Hatton robs him. Riely decides to join the troopers in their efforts to track the villains down. In doing so, he hopes to get the money back plus a reward. Another characters is young Johnny Cavell (Alan Wylie), he wants to be like Hatton and hold up a stage coach. He follows the Hatton gang around like a dog without a home.
Irwin's article about the filming of The Bushranger also includes a number of photographs, mostly of the train-related stunts.
Source: Bruce Irwin, 'The Day We Were Held Up by Bushrangers!' Steam Scene 4.3 (June 2007): 4, 6.