Mario Dias Correia Mario Dias Correia i(A132467 works by) (a.k.a. Mario Dias Correia)
Gender: Male
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5 3 y separately published work icon The Notary Catherine Jinks , Sydney : Macmillan , 2000 Z484951 2000 single work novel crime

'Raymond Maillot is a lustful young notary who prefers wine, women and song to the pursuit of professional renown. But when he's employed by Father Amiel, a sober Dominican monk charged with investigating a particularly shocking murder, his life begins to change. Now Raymond is torn between his taste for irresponsible pleasures and his desire to find refuge in the Church. His journey of self-discovery, however, begins with a severed penis.' (Source: Libraries Australia)

9 42 y separately published work icon Night Letters : A Journey Through Switzerland and Italy Robert Dessaix , Sydney : Macmillan Australia , 1996 Z529292 1996 single work novel (taught in 7 units) “Every night for twenty nights in a hotel room in Venice, an Australian man recently diagnosed with an incurable disease writes a letter home to a friend. In these letters, against a rich background of earlier journeys in literature, with Dante as his imagined guide, he reflects on what it means to live a good life in the face of death.”