Diane Andrews Publishing Diane Andrews Publishing i(A129262 works by) (Organisation) assertion
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1 y separately published work icon Bougainville Blue : An Allegory Brian Frank Darcey , Cairns : Diane Andrews Publishing , 2008 Z1647355 2008 single work novel adventure
1 2 y separately published work icon Bamahuta : Leaving Papua Philip Fitzpatrick , Canberra : Pandanus Books , 2005 Z1187860 2005 single work novel
1 y separately published work icon Sailing to Cairns Diane Andrews , Queensland : Diane Andrews Publishing , 2008 6200249 2008 single work prose travel

'Dennis and Diane sailed a sixteen foot yacht from Sydney to Cairns. They set out with a few dodgey bits of equipment and an Alan Lucas cruising guide. Dennis wrote the log. Diane wrote the very funny novel of the adventure. Inside its pages you will find a humorous account of the journey laced with invaluable information for the fellow intrepid sailor. I'd suggest a slightly bigger boat - but so long as it floats it can be done.' (iTunes preview)

1 y separately published work icon Dingo Trapper Philip Fitzpatrick , Cairns : Diane Andrews Publishing , 2008 6200210 2008 single work novel

'The 1930's in Central Australia; deep in the throes of the Great Depression desperate men struggle to survive. Among them are the dingo trappers - the doggers. Paid 7/6d by the government for every dingo scalp they can trade or trap with the Aborigines they penetrate deep into the deserts. To protect themselves they form liaisons with Aboriginal women with inevitable consequences. When Tjulki O'Shea a half caste girl, rescues the dogger Martin McCarthy, after he has been speared, the couple set out to make a life together. ' (Publisher's blurb)

1 y separately published work icon Haven : Harry Flynn's Final Odyssey Philip Fitzpatrick , Cairns : Diane Andrews Publishing , 2008 6200154 2008 single work prose travel