Anne-Marie Conde Anne-Marie Conde i(A115561 works by)
Gender: Female
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1 y separately published work icon The Prime Minister's Potato and Other Essays Anne-Marie Conde , Perth : Upswell Publishing , 2025 29727929 2025 selected work essay

'A curator's journey to uncover the stories behind everyday objects and preserve history for the common good

'After thirty years confined within museum walls, a restless history curator steps out for air. In this book of essays, Anne-Marie Conde grants herself freedom to ask fresh questions about the significance of objects and places within the lives of ordinary people. Cemeteries, junk shops, war memorials. Stones and scraps and scrawls. These are where this author goes for inspiration.

'Whether it's a wet greasy pavement in Hobart or a message in chalk in Sydney- Conde can coax a historical narrative out of the most meagre sources. Along the way she asks why anyone would offer a potato as a gift to a prime minister? How could this humble vegetable help us think about Australia's past?

'Throughout, Conde casts a patient and gently curious gaze over her subjects. Many writers are fascinated by unrecorded lives, but where there are records, Conde is sure to find them.' (Publication summary)

1 Zealots of the Reading Room Anne-Marie Conde , 2024 single work essay
— Appears in: Inside Story , December 2024;

Great Australians brought freshly researched history by fine writers and historians to a generation of Australians

1 Afternoon Tea with Mary Gilmore : In Search of the Women behind the The Worker Cook Book Anne-Marie Conde , 2024 single work column
— Appears in: Inside Story , June 2024;

'If I could have visited Mary Gilmore at her home in King’s Cross, Sydney, I wonder what she would have made of me? This meeting could never have occurred — Gilmore died in 1962, aged ninety-seven — but still I imagine myself mounting the stairs to her first floor flat at 99 Darlinghurst Road, where she had lived since 1933, and nervously knocking at her door.' (Introduction)

1 Ben Chifley’s Pipe Anne-Marie Conde , 2024 single work essay
— Appears in: Inside Story , March 2024;

'A stalwart supporter of the Labor leader emerges from history’s shadows'

1 What Did You Do in the War, Sandy? Anne-Marie Conde , 2023 single work essay
— Appears in: Inside Story , June 2023;

'How closely was Barry Humphries’s least domineering character based on ex–second world war servicemen?'

1 Arthur Stace’s Single Mighty Word Anne-Marie Conde , 2023 single work essay
— Appears in: Inside Story , February 2023;

'Why did this shy Sydneysider dot his city with a one-word poem?'

1 Living Toughly Anne-Marie Conde , 2023 single work review
— Appears in: Inside Story , August 2023;

— Review of Bee Miles : Australia's Famous Bohemian Rebel, and the Untold Story behind the Legend Rose Ellis , 2023 single work biography

'Sydney’s best-known bohemian lived entirely by her own rules'

1 The Macarthurs from Inside Out Anne-Marie Conde , 2022 single work review
— Appears in: Inside Story , November 2022;

— Review of Elizabeth and John : The Macarthurs of Elizabeth Farm Alan Atkinson , 2022 single work biography

'Alan Atkinson wants to rescue John and Elizabeth Macarthur from the judgements of history'

1 The Names Inlaid Anne-Marie Conde , 2021 single work essay
— Appears in: Inside Story , April 2021;

'A photograph in the Australian War Memorial sends our contributor on a journey to a Tasmania rent by war'

1 Charles Bean and the Making of the National Archives of Australia Anne-Marie Conde , 2017 extract essay (Charles Bean - Man, Myth, Legacy)
— Appears in: Inside Story , October 2017; Charles Bean - Man, Myth, Legacy 2017; (p. 62-76)

'The man who first imagined the Australian War Memorial was also active in the creation of another key institution'

1 A 'Gift to the Nation' : The Diaries and Notebooks of CEW Bean Anne-Marie Conde , 2011 single work criticism
— Appears in: Archives and Manuscripts , November vol. 39 no. 2 2011; (p. 43-64)
'How can we know what we think we know? Postmodernism insists that we can't. Seekers of historical knowledge have long looked in archives to understand the past but, as has often been discussed in archival literature, even archives are not the still points in a turning world we might have hoped for. It is not just that some records are privileged because they are selected for long-term preservation as archives while others are not. Even the records that do make it into the archives often have multifarious histories, both before and after they cross the threshold. Canadian archivist Tom Nesmith has noted that the process by which a record is created are complex, and that a record rarely comes to us unchanged from its initial inscription. These processes expand the evidence a record can carry, and he encourages us to understand 'the record we now have'. This article takes up that challenge by examining the diaries and notebooks of Charles Bean, official war correspondent and historian of Australia's part in World War I. Bean's diaries and notebooks offer a particularly rich example of how knowledge of the history of a record expands the evidence it can carry.' (43)
1 Untitled Anne-Marie Conde , 2010 single work review
— Appears in: Archives and Manuscripts , May vol. 38 no. 1 2010; (p. 158-160)

— Review of Securing the Past : Conservation in Art, Architecture and Literature Paul Eggert , 2009 multi chapter work criticism
1 Review Anne-Marie Conde , 2007 single work review
— Appears in: Archives and Manuscripts , May vol. 35 no. 1 2007; (p. 96-98)

— Review of Ida Leeson : A Life Sylvia Martin , 2006 single work biography