Issue Details: First known date: 2016... vol. 3 no. 1 February 2016 of Plumwood Mountain : An Australian Journal of Ecopoetry and Ecopoetics est. 2014 Plumwood Mountain : An Australian Journal of Ecopoetry and Ecopoetics
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* Contents derived from the , 2016 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
View from a Distant Portholei"Here I am", Lou Steer , single work poetry
From "Travelling"i"He sees concrete pylons set like giants' bones", B. R. Dionysius , single work poetry extract
Ingrainedi"They lived on the flats of Nhill", Julie Maclean , single work poetry
We Have the Song, so We Have the Landi"This fighting town is in remission", Phillip Hall , single work poetry
Mungeranniei"Sand flats and salt bush", Julie Maclean , single work poetry
Black Rock Deserti"The sun, just-blown glass, rises", Anders Villani , single work poetry
Day Thirty-five : Under the Weatheri"the weather has come", Christopher Kelen , single work single work poetry
Dangar Islandi"throbs in beauty.", Les Wicks , single work poetry
Byron Bayi"the old whaling station", Mark Roberts , single work poetry
Watercoursesi"Stealthily the river snakes", Betty Johnston , single work poetry
Reading the Frog Economyi"So if frogs were currency, I grew up in a time of wealth. We’d pour dozens of lively taddies into buckets; little", P. S. Cottier , single work poetry
When the Bees Camei"I heard it first, like the sun had heated up the earth so well the earth had begun to sing", Heather Taylor Johnson , single work poetry
Ant Familiasi"When I first arrived I let men spray poisons and I lived alone.", Meera Anne Atkinson , single work poetry
Wendingi"On a grey rainy day", Allis Hamilton , single work poetry
Big Timei"Two magpies in the purple jacaranda –", John Upton , single work poetry
Currawong Soundscapei"Like black-suited funeral directors", James R. Harrison , single work poetry
Black-eared Cuckooi"Mournful in the mulga and mallee, long-noted", Meera Anne Atkinson , single work poetry
Ornamental Snakei"They have carved up the Brigalow forest, etched", B. R. Dionysius , single work poetry
The Inevitable Snow and the Wayward Possumi"The sun and the possum and the white snow", Dorothea Lasky , R. D. Wood , single work poetry
Elegy for a Treei"Under the arms of the silver birch I find another diminutive forest", Anne M. Carson , single work poetry