y separately published work icon Quadrant periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2016... vol. 60 no. 6 June 2016 of Quadrant est. 1957 Quadrant
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* Contents derived from the , 2016 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Valparaisoi"Valparaiso, tattered town;", Leon Trainor , single work poetry (p. 19)
Not so Black and White : Stan Grant's Nostalgia for Injustice, Jeremy Sammut , single work criticism
'If you read Stan Grant's much-publicised new book, Talking to My Country, it is as if the transformation of the indigenous debate and major policy shifts of the past fifteen years had never happened. The strongest impression created by Grant's underwhelming book has been to make me recall my feelings when I first read Noel Pearson's pioneering revisionist account of the nature and causes of entrenched indigenous disadvantage : what a tragedy, but what a relief! There, finally, set out in Pearson's landmark series of essays, lectures and commentary pieces in the early-to-mid 2000s, was an explanation for indigenous disadvantage that enabled those of good faith to discuss the subject openly, honestly and - most importantly - escape any suggestion of indulging in racial stereotyping and victim-blaming.' (Introduction, 20)
(p. 20-28)
The Wooeri"To alleviate his sense of self-lothing", Damian Balassone , single work poetry (p. 37)
Strange Raini"Lightning strikes the picnic races,", Damian Balassone , single work poetry (p. 37)
A Weaving for Alice Kavanaghi"Too proud of having made my way", Elisabeth Wentworth , single work poetry (p. 51)
To An Unnecessary Lighti"I got up to piss on night", Hal Colebatch , single work poetry (p. 59)
Driving into Bunburyi"Suddenly, with houses all around", Hal Colebatch , single work poetry (p. 59)
Bunbury Moteli"How pleasant to wake", Hal Colebatch , single work poetry (p. 59)
Polenta Memoriesi"Our handyman, friend of an old friend,", Jenny Blackford , single work poetry (p. 66-67)
So Long Bulletin, Jamie Grant , single work review
— Review of Idle Talk : Letters 1960-1964 Gwen Harwood , 2015 single work correspondence ;
(p. 78-81)
Hiroko Can Go Jumpi"Hiroko can go jump", Marjon Mossammaparast , single work poetry (p. 85)
Talor Swifti"When Taylor", Damian Balassone , single work poetry (p. 85)
The IMirrori"To google", Damian Balassone , single work poetry (p. 85)
The Differencei"Does it say anywhere", Damian Balassone , single work poetry (p. 85)
In Australian Country Gardens, Laurie Hergenhan , single work essay (p. 92-94)
A Little Ray of Sunbeamsi"Kill rabbit in non-toxic trap (do not get myxo-ed up)", Jane Downing , single work poetry (p. 94)
A Somerset Jigi"Mmmenuhin, Menuhin", Alan Gould , single work poetry (p. 95)
Cat-mindingi"Beyaz the cat has a-hunting gone", Alan Gould , single work poetry (p. 95)
Evil Eyei"Great-great-great grandmother of Lacan's Anxious Gaze,", Joe Dolce , single work poetry (p. 99)
The Many Faces of Raffles, Neil McDonald , single work essay (p. 100-103)