Writing with Lights, Image and Sound (CWR5002)
Semester 1 / 2016


Creative Screenwriter: Exercises to Expand Your Craft, Waldeback & Batty


Writing effective scripts requires more than writing good dialogue. It requires an understanding of the script as a template for a dynamic performance involving a range of images, movements, and sounds. This course provides you with an in-depth exploration of how to write scripts that make effective use of non-verbal elements to develop character, express emotion, drive story, and develop subtext.

During the course, you will be engaged in developing your own skills as a scriptwriter through producing a range of texts, including a pitch for a series, scenes for a pilot episode of a series, and (as part of a small group) a spec script. The focus in the course is on producing works that demonstrate an awareness of the marketplace for broadcast and performance scripts, particularly for radio, television, stage and online performance.