Creative Writing 2: Concept and Practice (ENGL233)
Semester 1 / 2016


This unit extends the practical work and learning methodologies of ENGL121. It is based on seminar workshops, lectures, and practical writing activities. The unit encourages responses to different genres and theoretical approaches to creative writing. It aims to develop practical written and reflective skills, and the capacity to use language and form. It encourages students to attempt new ways of writing, to develop their work into finished texts, and to consciously position these texts within the wider discourse. In this unit, creative writing is taught within contexts of contemporary relevance, in order to broaden students' range and encourage reflection about their writing. Students are expected to develop their creative writing and increase their knowledge about its contexts by producing writing throughout the unit. Unit topics and readings provide literary and theoretical examples to stimulate intellectual and creative enquiry.

Supplementary Texts

A Passion for Narrative: A Guide for Writing Fiction, Hodgins

Writing Experiment: Strategies For Innovative Creative Writing, Smith

The Cambridge Introduction to Creative Writing, Morely

Little Green Grammar Book, Tridinnick