Creative Writing Seminar I (CWPG810/ENGL712)
Semester 1 / 2016


Making Shapely Fiction, Stern

The Art of Fiction, David Lodge

Accidental, Ali Smith

The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald

Narrative Fiction, Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan


This unit offers students the opportunity to develop their writing across one or more writing genres, and to extend their skills both in the crafting and the analysis of the craft of writing. Students reflect upon and interrogate their writing and writing process, explore new methods in relation to craft and technique or genre, and link this work to consideration of published creative works and contemporary narrative studies. Writing workshops and discussion of the readings are structured so that students can make productive links between concepts in narrative studies and their own writing. The unit is assessed through creative writing assignments, writing exercises and tasks, participation in weekly writing workshops, and the reading, analysis and discussion of critical and creative texts.