'Four years in the making, this animated film documents the Song-cycle of the Goolarabooloo people, along the path of the Lurujarri Heritage Trail which was established in 1987 by Goolarabooloo Elder Paddy Roe, and stretching from Broome up through the Dampier Peninsula.'
'Embellished with live action scenes, still photographs and interviews, the film is a rich collage that brings Goolarabooloo Dreamtime stories, history and culture to life. The film is narrated by Brian Councillor, Paddy Roe’s great-grandson, and by other family members. Paddy was Brian’s teacher about Country and heritage, and the film is a great tribute to Paddy’s vision for recording and preserving the community’s culture and for sharing it with Indigenous and non-Indigenous people alike.' (Source: Romin Films website)