'As my book became increasingly eccentric, I thought ‘yes, that’s as it should be’. How else to do justice to a maverick musician, described by his one-time girlfriend Brix Smith as ‘a cross between Mozart and Keith Moon’?
—Paul Munden
'For all its eccentricity, this book – the first ever study of Nigel Kennedy’s exceptional talent – delves into complex questions: about the relationship between so-called genius and unconventional behaviour; the true purpose of education; the freedom of the interpreter; connections between music and poetry, music and sport; and the role of the artist as advocate of political and humanitarian causes.
'This is a book that revels in the non-conformative nature of its subject, and the principle of living life with truly individual purpose. It speaks to fans and detractors alike; to musicians, both professional and amateur; also to the general, curious reader not only about music but a wealth of associated cultural issues.' (Publication summary)