y separately published work icon The Courier-Mail newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2014... 25 October 2014 of The Courier-Mail est. 1933 The Courier-Mail
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* Contents derived from the , 2014 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Coming Up for Air, Phil Brown , single work review
— Review of Gasp! Ben Elton , 2014 single work drama ;
'Creative genius Ben Elton has reimagined his debut play and given it a distinctly Aussie twist..'
(p. 4-5) Section: CANVAS
War on Words, single work review
— Review of Time and Time Again Ben Elton , 2014 single work novel ;
'Ben Elton's latest novel has a fascinating premise, one he admits may be familiar. What if you could go back, cnage history and save millions of lives?...'
(p. 5)
Clive a Poet Above it All, Phil Brown , single work review (p. 7)
Me, Myself & My Sex Life, Deborah Bogle , single work review
'Sex used to happen behind closed doors, but the age of social media and nude selfies has encouraged writers - mostly women - to pull back the covers on their most intimate moments...'
(p. 14-15) Section: CANVAS
Bleak House, Phil Brown , single work review
'The harsh reality of Australia's grim beginnings are fodder for the first adult novel by master storyteller John Marsden...'
(p. 18) Section: CANVAS