While not a narrative film, Morning of the Earth was not a straightforward documentary, either.
As Australian Screen note:
Part of the film’s attraction is the way that director Albert Falzon creates a romantic mythology around the act of surfing. 'Soul surfing’ (as opposed to competitive surfing) was not a new concept, or debate, but Morning of the Earth offered a kind of visual manifesto for its would-be followers. The essential elements included aspects of counter-culture, such as living simply and sustainably, getting back to nature, but also making your own boards and finding uncrowded waves. Falzon shows groups of surfers pursuing the ideals, living in tree-houses or dilapidated farm houses, with a couple of cows for company, and surfing endless long breaks with perfect late-afternoon light.
Source: Curator's notes at Australian Screen (http://aso.gov.au/titles/features/morning-earth/notes/). (Sighted: 14/10/2014)