y separately published work icon Meanjin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2014... vol. 73 no. 3 Spring 2014 of Meanjin est. 1940 Meanjin
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* Contents derived from the , 2014 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Head in a Jar, Trevor Shearston , single work essay (p. 18-28)
The Potatoi"'Either you or I will have to go,'", David Musgrave , single work poetry (p. 29)
Nine Crab Barni"I made my way to Nine Crab Barn", David Musgrave , single work poetry (p. 30-31)
The Birdsi"An old crow will maunder along", Martin Langford , single work poetry (p. 42-43)
On Bellingen Islandi"This great degraded tree is a rococo", Gareth Robinson , single work poetry (p. 55)
Sailing with Polleni"When I last saw Forbes Hollis", Gerard Butera , single work poetry (p. 62-63)
The Angel Density Problemi"Who could not love a word such as crocus", Paul Scully , single work poetry (p. 77)
Facing the Llullaillaco Maideni"floating in salt and tidal rock", Shari Kocher , single work poetry (p. 78-81)
The Interpreter, Kate Elkington , single work short story (p. 100-106)
Winteri"Snow drifts only occasionally here, but always hushed", Simeon Kronenberg , single work poetry (p. 107)
Smile, Please, Fatima Sehbai , single work short story (p. 108-113)
Damage, Jennifer Mills , single work short story (p. 114-120)
Birds of a Featheri"My grandparents flew here decades ago", Omar Sakr , single work poetry (p. 121)
Skin, Ellen van Neerven , single work short story

A short story about an overdue pregnancy and the nurturing strength of a mother.

(p. 122-130)
Habitisi"a few still go to the root of the thing, where", Dan Disney , single work poetry (p. 131)
A Flash of Wings, Robyn Cadwallader , single work short story (p. 132-139)
Turning Intelligence into Magici"Turning Intelligence into Magic", Miro Sandev , single work poetry (p. 140)
A Life in Pictures, Aaron Hawke , single work autobiography (p. 160-169)
The Butcher's Daughteri"In the hook room I was scared, carcass meat", Natalie Rose Dyer , single work poetry (p. 170-171)
Breast Mapping, Maria Kyriacou , single work autobiography (p. 172-178)