y separately published work icon The Freeman's Journal newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1868... vol. 19 no. 1307 25 April 1868 of The Freeman's Journal est. 1850 The Freeman's Journal
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* Contents derived from the , 1868 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
On the Destruction of the Ursuline Convent, Charlestown, Mass., by the Mob of That City, in 1834i"'Twas evening, and the nuns were gone to choir,", single work poetry

This poem deals with the 11-12 August 1834 'Ursuline Convent Riots' in Charlestown, Massachusetts (near Boston). During the riots, a convent was burned down by Protestants in a wave of anti-Roman Catholic sentiment.

(p. 3)
Note: No author attributed in this source.
Concerning Ourselves, single work column

The Freeman's Journal reflects on the persecution it has faced, particularly since the March 1868 assassination attempt on H. R. H. Prince Alfred, as 'the only newspaper in Australia at all pretending to express the views of Irish Catholic Nationalists upon home and colonial matters'.

'Save and except in the withdrawal of the Government advertisements', the writer declares that 'the Freeman, so far from suffering, has gained considerably by the efforts made by the Government and their anti-Catholic sympathisers to crush it.'

(p. 8)
'Freeman's Journal' General Printing Office, single work advertisement

An advertisement advising that the proprietors of the Freeman's Journal have entered into a 'job printing business' and 'are now prepared to execute orders'.

(p. 16)
Agents for the 'Freeman's Journal', single work column

A list of suburban, country and inter-colonial agents for the Freeman's Journal.

(p. 16)
The Freeman's Journal : Available Free of Charge at Holloway's, single work advertisement

An advertisement advising that Freeman's Journal 'is filed and may be seen, free of charge, at Holloway's, 533, Oxford-street, W. C., (late of 224, Strand) London, where advertisements and subscriptions may be received'.

(p. 16)
Greville and Company, Wholesale Stationers and Printers' Brokers, single work advertisement

An advertisement, for Greville and Company, for the sale of various types of paper, pens, pencils, slates, ledgers and other stationery items.

(p. 16)
Greville and Company, General Advertising Agents, single work advertisement

An advertisement advising that Greville and Company are the 'authorised Sydney agents of all the leading provincial journals of New South Wales' and are able 'to offer terms for the insertion of advertisements which can be done by none but a recognised agent'.

(p. 16)
Greville and Company : Agents for Messers. Harrild and Sons, London : Printing Presses, &c. for Sale, single work advertisement

An advertisement for Greville and Company, agents for Messers Harrild and Sons, London, advertising the sale of various items of printing machinery and equipment.

(p. 16)
Greville and Company, Agents for Messers. Stephenson, Blake and Co., Sheffield : Printing Types, Cases, &c. for Sale, single work advertisement (p. 16)