Writing Short Fiction (HEN107)
Semester 1 / 2014


y separately published work icon The Writer's Reader : A Guide to Writing Fiction and Poetry Brenda Walker (editor), Sydney : Halstead Press , 2002 Z961277 2002 anthology criticism (taught in 16 units)
y separately published work icon The Little Red Writing Book Mark Tredinnick , Sydney : University of New South Wales Press , 2006 Z1324216 2006 single work prose (taught in 16 units) 'A book on technique, style, craft and manners for everyone who writes and wants to do it better. It is a manual of good diction, composition, sentence craft, paragraph design, structure and planning.' (Publisher's blurb)
y separately published work icon Dear Writer Revisited Carmel Bird , Strawberry Hills : Spineless Wonders , 2013 6384792 2013 single work criticism (taught in 1 units)

'This book about writing and the imagination is essential reading for any writer, emerging or experienced. Re-released with new material and updated advice for the 21st century writer. Contains advice for writers, inspirational quotes from numerous authors as well as writing exercises.' (Publication summary)


This unit introduces students to the steps involved in producing polished works of short fiction: generating ideas through writing exercises, improving work through redrafting, and refining work through copy-editing. Seminars will focus on the close reading of published works of short fiction and aspects of writing craft, while workshops will enable students to receive critical feedback on their own work and develop skills in critiquing the work of their peers.