Issue Details: First known date: 1838... vol. 36 no. 4105 4 December 1838 of The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser est. 1803 Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser
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* Contents derived from the , 1838 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Just Published, Moffitt's Sheet Almanack for 1839, single work advertisement (p. 1)
Evening Sale of Books, single work advertisement (p. 1)
The Sheet Almanacks, single work column
An appraisal of three 'different sheet almanacks for 1839', James Tegg and William Moffitt with 'Mr [James] Maclehose of Hunter-street appearing this year as a competitor for public favor in the almanack deparment'.
(p. 2)
Sydney General Trade List, single work single work column

Imports listed include: November 26 - Abel Gower ‘1 package books, Secretary Australian [Subscription] Library'; '... 1 case books, Aspinall, Browne & Co.'; '... 2 cases flowers and books ..., E. Salomon'. November 26 - Bee '2 cases stationery, T. Gore & Co.'.

Exports listed include: November 27 - Success '... 1 box books, 2 parcels newspapers ...'

(p. 3)
Flora McIvor & Rose Bradwardine, Letitia Elizabeth Landon , extract criticism

Extract from Landon's work 'Female Portrait Gallery, from Sir Walter Scott'. This work, on the female characters in the works of Sir Walter Scott, was published in parts in English magazines including the Lady's Book and the New Monthly Magazine both in 1838. Letitia Landon's 'Autobiographical Sketches' is included in AustLit because it was published in Australian newspapers and magazines in the nineteenth century.

This extract, no. 1 of the main work, discusses two of the female characters in Scott's Waverley novels, Flora McIvor and Rose Bradwardine.

(p. 4)