This subject deals with a range of forms within the genre of fiction, with a particular although not exclusive focus on the short story - one of the lasting forms of modern creative writing, but one peculiarly receptive to intellectual and artistic movements. The subject is seminar based and engages with a range of narrative forms that compliment short fiction, in addition to the reading and discussion of fiction. Themes and texts that may be included will be essays on the production and craft of writing, the translation of works of fiction into other media, such as cinema, theatre and fine art. The subject may also look at specific forms of fiction such as the 'linked collection' of short fiction, thematic anthologies, and single-authored collections produced around physical, social, ethical, ideological and psychological themes.
5000 words consisting of a short story or first chapter of a proposed manuscript 100% (due in the examination period). Students are required to attend a minimum of 80% (or 10 out of 12) classes in order to qualify to have their written work assessed.