y separately published work icon The Courier-Mail newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2014... Saturday 31 May 2014 of The Courier-Mail est. 1933 The Courier-Mail
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* Contents derived from the , 2014 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Ghosts of Cribb Past, Phil Brown , single work review
— Review of Cribbie - The Suburb That Disappeared 2014 single work drama ;
'Each time he prepares for his numerous roles in the play Cribbie - The Suburb That Disappeared, actor Sandro Colarelli is aware of a ghostly presence...'
(p. 6) Section: CANVAS
Weeding Out Bad Habits, Daniel Johnson , single work review
— Review of The Feel-Good Hit of the Year Liam Pieper , 2014 single work autobiography ;
Many authors undertake a personal journey of sorts when writing a book, but it's safe to say few go to the same lengths Melbourne writer Liam Pieper did to research his memoir The Feel-Good Hit of the Year.
(p. 18) Section: CANVAS
Super Freak, Nathanael Cooper , single work review
'Pamela Rabe is excited to be givern the chance to strut her stuff on season two of acclaimed prison drama Wentworth...'
(p. 23) Section: CANVAS