

An ability to recognise, analyse and practise the core types of non-fiction writing is an important part of the professional writer's practice. This unit promotes the acquisition of practical and analytical skills in a range of professional and personal non-fiction creative writing genres.


This unit aims to develop writing skills in a variety of non-fiction written modes, specifically essay and humorous writing, life writing, and writing on books, film, music, visual arts, food, and travel.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit, you should be able to:

1. identify creative non-fiction (essay and humorous writing, life writing, and writing on books, film, music, visual arts, food, and travel) as particular genres of writing with their own characteristics, conventions, history and assumptions;

2. Discuss, analyze and contextualize a range of creative non-fiction genres;

3. Apply your writing skills in relation to popular genres of writing for publication in print and electronic forms.


This unit addresses content such as creative non-fiction writing skills development, creative non-fiction writing practice and analysis of genre elements.

Approaches to teaching and learning

Classroom practice includes an integrated program of lectures and tutorials, with a balance of small group, large group, online and individual activities. Guided writing activities and critical discussion of writing theories and works will form the backbone of most tutorials. You are encouraged to develop your understanding of the theoretical content of the course by engaging in innovative forms of writing and analysis. Opportunities for the discussion of alternative forms of writing practice or analysis, and workshopping of works in progress will be part of some sessions. The lecture series also include guest lectures from published authors and other industry professionals who share their knowledge of the art and business of writing.


Assessment Item No. 1

Assessment name: Project (Applied)

Description: (summative and formative) A 1000 word review suitable for publication.

Relates to learning outcomes: 1 & 3

Weight: 30%

Internal or external: Internal

Group or Individual: Individual

Due date: Mid semester

Assessment Item No. 2

Assessment name: Creative Work

Description: (summative) A 2000 word piece of creative non-fiction suitable for publication.

Relates to learning outcomes: 1 & 3

Weight: 40%

Internal or external: Internal

Group or Individual: Individual

Due date: End semester

Assessment Item No. 3

Assessment name: Portfolio

Description: ( Formative and Summative ) A multi-phase assessment based on 3 requirements:

1. Submission of a folio of writing activities

2. Participation in editorial process - both oral and written elements

3. Submission of critiques of peers' works in progress

Relates to learning outcomes: All

Weight: 30%

Internal or external: Internal

Group or Individual: Individual

Due date: Throughout semester

Supplementary Texts

Clive James "Postcard From Rome"