y separately published work icon The Courier-Mail newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2014... 10 May 2014 of The Courier-Mail est. 1933 The Courier-Mail
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* Contents derived from the , 2014 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
From Joh to Woe, Phil Brown , single work column
Includes an chronological outline of the life and times of Gerry Connolly.
(p. 4-5) Section: CANVAS
Playing in Malouf's Back Yard, Phil Brown , single work column

'When five artists were tasked by the Museum of Brisbane to create visual responses to the writings of David Malouf, the diversity of the results delighted the author...'

(p. 6-7) Section: CANVAS
Hot Ticket : Healing, single work review
— Review of Healing Craig Monahan , Alison Nisselle , 2014 single work film/TV ;
'A rock-solid Australian drama that is hard to fault on any front..'
(p. 17) Section: CANVAS
Coming Home to Roost, Nathanael Cooper , single work review
— Review of A Place to Call Home Bevan Lee , Tony Morphett , Hamilton Budd , Rick Held , Trent Atkinson , Sarah Walker , Kim Wilson , Giula Sandler , Katherine Thomson , Brooke Wilson , Sarah Lambert , Deborah Parsons , John Ridley , John Lonie , David Hannam , Kristen Dunphy , Cathy Strickland , 2013 series - publisher film/TV ;
'Sara Wiseman's Carolyn Bligh was a slow-burner in season one of A Place to Call Home...'
(p. 23) Section: CANVAS
Filmmaker a Force of Nature, single work obituary
'In the 1970s and early 1980s working for the ABC's Natural History Unit, Ken Taylor put Queensland's natural history on the screen and on the map...'
(p. 80) Section: Obituaries