Alternative title: Sport
Issue Details: First known date: 2013... no. 6 2013 of Seizure : A Journal for New Writing est. 2011 Seizure : A Journal of New Writing
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* Contents derived from the , 2013 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Tooth, Kelli Lonergan , single work short story (p. 10-11)
Why I Am a Writer, Not an Athlete, Fiona Wright , single work autobiography (p. 12-15)
Common Foot Complaints, David Cohen , single work short story (p. 16-21)
Locker Room, Douglas Whyte , single work short story (p. 24-27)
Parramatta Daze, Nick Marland , single work short story (p. 32-39)
West Suburbia Boys, Luke Carman , single work short story (p. 40-48)
Kickboxing Face, Jesse Adams Stein , single work prose (p. 50-53)
Interviews with The Other Three Quarters, Rosanna Stevens , single work prose (p. 56-62)
Trajectory, Sam Van Meurs , single work short story (p. 64-67)
Siren, Rebecca Slater , single work short story (p. 68-71)
Now That's Cricketi"Sporty boytoy, hit me for six. Take off your box and carry the bat", Pip Smith , single work poetry (p. 74-75)
Behind the Curtain is Another Curtain, Marni Williams , single work short story (p. 76-82)
How Michael Clarke Became an Excellent Batsman by Objectifying His Opponents, Justin Wolfers , single work prose (p. 84-87)
Ladies in Leather, Zoe Adler Bishop , single work prose (p. 90-93)