Reading Fiction (2042HUM)
Semester 2 / 2012


Mrs Dalloway!$!Woolf!$!Penguin, 2000!$!!$!
Death In Venice And Other Stories!$!Thomas Mann!$!Vintage, 2001!$!!$!
Great Gatsby!$!Fitzgerald!$!Penguin, 2000!$!!$!
White Noise!$!Delillo!$!Picador, 1994!$!!$!
Pere Goriot!$!Balzac!$!Norton, 1997!$!!$!


In Reading Fiction, you will read, discuss and write about some major novels and short stories written over the past 200 years. The course provides a comprehensive introduction to concepts, tools and techniques required for the analysis of works of fiction. It also explores the historical development of various genres and movements in fiction. Reading Fiction aims to develop the disciplinary grounding necessary for advanced literary studies, but also to introduce you to practices of individual reading and writing that lay the foundations for lifelong learning.


Writing Exercises in Seminars: 15%

In-class Test: 25%

Take-home Exam: 25%

Research Assignment: 35%

Other Details

Offered in: 2011
Current Campus: Nathan
Levels: Undergraduate