Modern and Contemporary Literature (ENGL10001)


y separately published work icon Collected Poems : 1970-1998 John Forbes , Rose Bay : Brandl and Schlesinger , 2001 Z899702 2001 collected work poetry (taught in 1 units)
y separately published work icon The Season at Sarsaparilla : A Charade of Suburbia in Two Acts Patrick White , 1962 (Manuscript version)x400826 Z865952 1962 single work drama (taught in 11 units)
Selected Poems!$!Plath!$! !$!!$!
The God of Small Things!$!Roy!$! !$!!$!
The Catcher in the Rye!$!Salinger!$! !$!!$!
After the Quake!$!Murakami!$! !$!!$!
Dubliners!$!Joyce!$! !$!!$!
Waiting for Godot!$!Beckett!$! !$!!$!
The Waste Land!$!Eliot!$! !$!!$!
To the Lighthouse!$!Woolf!$! !$!!$!


This subject introduces students to some of the key texts of modern and contemporary literature, across several genres: poetry, drama, the short story, the novel, and the filmscript. Modern and contemporary writers struggle with issues of representation, aesthetics and politics in an era of dramatic social change, and offer some intriguing reflections and meditations on the role of literature and the formation of literary tradition. This subject will explore the thematic and formal innovations of 20th century writing and some of the controversies and contexts of 20th century literature. Students will be encouraged to develop a critical framework for interpreting these texts in the light of current trends in literary criticism and critical theory. Students who successfully complete this subject will have a background of relevant knowledge and critical and interpretative skills on which to base further work in English Literary Studies.


Written work of 4000 words comprising a text-based exercise of 800 words worth 20% (due early in semester), an essay of 1200 words worth 30% (due mid-semester) and an essay of 2000 words worth 50% (due in the examination period). This subject has a minimum hurdle requirement of 75% attendance and regular participation in tutorials. Assessment submitted late without an approved extension will be penalised at 10% per day. In-class tasks missed without approval will not be marked. All pieces of written work must be submitted to pass this subject.

Other Details

Levels: Undergraduate