Popular Fictions, Popular Culture (KWB309)
Semester 2 / 2012


The unit seeks to give you a basis for considering the ways in which cultural productions take place. Given the increasing discussion of importance of popular culture in contemporary society, the unit addresses the sites of such discussions and the changing status of popular culture.


This unit aims to provide you with an understanding of the term 'popular culture' and to consider a range of cultural productions that have engaged with this term. You will consider a range of popular culture theories and a number of texts in relation to those ideas. You will gain an understanding of the position of popular culture within cultural studies discourse.


Assessment name: Reflective Journal

Description: (Summative and Formative) Reflective Journal with weekly short written responses of set questions.

Relates to objectives: 1, 2 & 3

Weight: 30%

Due date: Late-Semester

Assessment name: Formal essay/creative chc pce

Description: (Summative) Major research essay 2000 words Formal essay or creative choice piece.

Relates to objectives: 2 & 3

Weight: 40%

Due date: Late semester

Assessment name: Exam

Description: (Summative) Short essay format.

Relates to objectives: 1 & 2

Weight: 30%

Due date: End semester

Other Details

Offered in: 2011, 2009
Current Campus: Kelvin Grove
Levels: Undergraduate