Issue Details: First known date: 1965... 1965 Verse and Voice : A Festival of Commonwealth Poetry
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* Contents derived from the London,
United Kingdom (UK),
Western Europe, Europe,
Poetry Book Society , 1965 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
A Year in the Countryi"Summer had storms, was the end of the world,", Ray Mathew , single work poetry (p. 59)
Dry Final Scenei"Dry final scene, and last of mortal seasons -", Hal Porter , single work poetry (p. 66-67)
Five Generationsi"A common name for five of us", Peter Porter , single work poetry (p. 68-70)
Stations: Suite for Three Voices and Three Generations, Randolph Stow , sequence poetry (p. 86-92)