Contemporary Cinema (2109HUM)
Semester 1 / 2013


The readings for this course are contained in the course dossier which is held for sale in the Co-op bookshop. A reference copy of the dossier will be held in the library on the Nathan campus.

Additional readings may be distributed by the convenor on an occasional basis.

The Senses of Cinema is an online academic journal, which is a useful resource for keeping in touch with current cinematic trends and issues.

ABC Radio National and Margaret Pomerantz and David Stratton's At the Movies are also recommended viewing and listening.


The course examines the recent trend towards transnationalism in global cinema. It looks at how various nations have attempted to compete and survive in the marketplace by appealing to international audiences while at the same time trying to preserve a sense of their own national identity. The course covers European, Asian and Latin cinemas. Incompatible: 2109ART Contemporary Cinema Incompatible: 3306FMC Contemporary Cinema Incompatible: 3306AMC Contemporary Cinema.

This course is important within the teaching of screen studies in that it allows students to explore and understand the contemporary formation of global cinema and some current nostaligic televisual trends. It explores not only how other countries have competed with Hollywood and differentiated themselves, by locating them within their within historical, political, economic contexts and aesthetic practices, but also addresses what is at stake when national borders are becoming increasingly blurred within a global sphere. In particular, the course looks at the diasporic communities and construction of shifting identities in a transnational environment in relation to history, memory and nostalgia.

The design of the course is such that the curriculum allows for students to both develop historical knowledges and exercise creative intelligence through its teaching and assessment.


Weekly worksheets - written assignment 30%

Creative presentation - creative synthesis 20%

Essay- written assignment 50%

Other Details

Offered in: 2010, 2012
Current Campus: Nathan
Levels: Undergraduate