Researching Australia: Issues, Agendas (102-310)
Semester 2 / 2011


y separately published work icon The Lucky Country Donald Horne , Ringwood : Penguin , 1964 Z1005731 1964 single work non-fiction (taught in 2 units)
Reclaiming patriotism: nation building for Australian progressives!$!Tim Soutphommasane!$! !$!!$!


How do you develop research expertise on Australia and so contribute to informed debate about issues facing the nation? This topic enables students to draw on their experience of the Australian Studies major to pursue research on an issue of contemporary concern to Australia. Areas for research will be identified at the start of semester, and students will develop research and writing techniques over the semester to produce a position paper on a specific issue, suitable for presentation to government, other organisatons or industry. Research questions can be developed in relation to topics such as national identity, international relations, the environment, various social and political movements or issues and the media.


1. Understanding of the ways in which a variety of disciplines can be drawn upon to understand Australia’s past and present

2. Comprehend the nature of Australian Studies as an interdisciplinary methodology

3. Ability to work within a student cohort to develop an understanding of the study of Australia


500 word research proposal 15% (due mid-semester), and a 3500 word 'position paper' 85% (due during the examination period).

Hurdle requirement: students must attend a minimum of 75% of tutorials in order to pass this subject. Assessment submitted late without an approved extension will be penalised at 10% per day; after five days, no late assessment will be accepted. In-class tasks missed without approval will not be marked. All pieces of written work must be submitted to pass this subject.

Other Details

Contact subject coordinator for prescribed reading list.

Offered in: 2009
Current Campus: Parkville
Levels: Undergraduate