Contemporary Film and Cultural Theory (CICU30012 (106-368))
Semester 2 / 2011


This subject introduces students to some of the major theoretical and traditions in the field. A focus on historical, textual, ethnographic, institutional and other theories will be grounded in a focus on Australian national cinema and culture. These theoretical traditions will be resources used by students to produce detailed and specific studies of contemporary cinema and cultural practices. By apprehending diverse theoretical accounts of cinema and cultural studies in relation to Australian screen and cultural practices, students will engage with some of the significant problems of the cultures we inhabit.


Students who successfully complete this subject should:

* understand the basic approaches of the major theoretical traditions in Cinema and Cultural Studies as they relate to Australian film;

* have developed the analytical skills and methodological confidence to produce small-scale studies of contemporary cinema and cultural practices;

* appreciate the analytical scope and theoretical importance of the study of contemporary cinema and culture;

* be familiar with the development and history of Australian cinema.


An essay submitted in an online blog format 1500 words 40% (due during the semester). A written research essay 2500 words 60% (due at the end of the semester). This subject has a minimum hurdle requirement of 75%, regular participation in tutorials are required. Assessment submitted late without an approved extension will be penalised at 10% per day. In-class tasks missed without approval will not be marked. All pieces of written work must be submitted to pass this subject.

Other Details

Offered in: 2010
Current Campus: Parkville
Levels: Undergraduate