Australian Indigenous Literature (ATS3365)
Semester 2 / 2011


Australian Indigenous Literature takes the scholar on a journey of listening to and reflecting upon Indigenous voices in a variety of texts, including poetry, theatre, autobiography, early writings and film. The course is intended to expose students to an Indigenous way of seeing history, social issues and life in general. The diversity of Indigenous perspectives and life styles will become apparent, as will the creativity of Indigenous voices in Australia today. Students will gain abilities in critical thinking and analysis of material covered.


On successful completion of this unit students will:

Have gained a broader appreciation of Indigenous Australian Literature through a variety of formats.

Appreciate the diversity of cultural and historical backgrounds of Indigenous people by being exposed to a diverse range of Indigenous creativity

Have gained understanding of the main social and cultural issues that Indigenous people see as relevant.

Have gained abilities in being able to critically examine and analyse a variety of texts.

Have developed greater writing skills.

At third year level, students will have fulfilled all the above as well as being able to show a broader background in research and resourcing support articles At third year level students will have demonstrated a greater ability to analyse and formulate a critical evaluation of the texts in the unit, inclusive of Indigenous points of view.


Essay (1500) : 30%

Journal (1000 words) : 25%

2 hour exam: 45%

Other Details

Previously coded AIS3035

Offered in: 2010
Current Campus: Clayton, Gippsland, Gippsland (Off-campus)
Levels: Undergraduate